
Showing posts from September, 2015

Private Narrators : Bigotry is Stupid

Free will is a gift. It makes our choices....ours. Not pressured. Not bullied. Not manipulated. Not controlled. People whose choices have been taken away understands. And their generations who take their history to heart should be able, too. Freedom is hard won. Realize this. Ah, but the one thing that spits on freedom as it does on every positive and happy thing ever exist is....surprise, surprise, HATE. Not only it spits on it, it shits on it too. We've heard about every little word created from HATE ; racism, sexism, fascism. I believe it's good that the world's changing for the better and trying to educate more of the public about how much HATE destroys the good and hurt people in ways no human should ever have to experience in their lives. Few days ago, I unfortunately met a bigoted racist. Just because he lives in a supposedly modern society where "conservative" is considered constricting and forced, he shamed my race and country and belief and basic

The Fandom Life

Who needs social life when you can have a fandom one? That's what I always say. hehe Also, there is such a thing as a multi-fandom. I mean, right now I'm rock bottom in SPN Fandom but that doesn't mean I'm not in the Avengers Fandom or Sherlock Fandom or Harry Potter Fandom. Frankly, I can fangirl to any words in any of these fandoms, namely burst into a puddle of gross sobbing and wailing tears. Be thankful I'm not in any musical band's fandom. At first I thought, I'd just watch these series and see if it's good. I didn't expect to be consumed by them and have them willingly ruin my life and soul for eternity.  Nobody expects it, trust me. It just....happens.  In real world, I function as normal as everyone else. Unless someone mentions any triggering words associated with the fandoms, everything should be safe. LOL Things get real tricky when we fangirls/boys recognize each other though. Like meeting an estranged family member who yo

The End Of Your Life Book Club -Will Schwalbe (SPOILER ALERT!)

I've just finished it, and can I say it is awesome. Yes, it is awesome. Not only I relate about 95% of the content, it has a list of recommended books I can add up to my books-to-buy list. A story of the relationship between a son and his mother, what's not to love? Sis and I have always been suckers for family related books. And while upstanding my own opinions on certain thoughts, I agree with the first thing Will Schwalbe had said on page 6, first Chapter ; Crossing to Safety which is to say quote unquote (in case of spoilers) that when you have terminal illness, there isn't likely a surprise ending. You can be fairly certain of what fate has in store. It isn't like Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern , where Celia and Marco drifts off between death and living -not quite dead, not quite alive. It isn't like The Stand by Stephen King , where the characters I'd thought will survive till the end met an unexpected demise (read : Nick) , and the ones I

"Toukan Koukan" ; Exchange of equal value

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the best of the best anime can offer.  I resolutely stand by this statement, even when there are countless of other animes that can teach us many things such as Gosick, Soul Eater, The Children who Chased Lost Voices, Code Geass, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, No 6, and many more I could name. The first moment I finished FMAB, it felt like I had gone through a life and came out in tatters. So much truth put in one series. So much life. Especially when it's adorned with death. When has it not? Life and Death goes hand in hand. The one thing I love the most was the First Law of Alchemy, Equivalent Exchange. It is fair, is it not? To give all and take nothing is arguably noble. Modern people would say it's stupid and wasteful. Wise people would know that there is something more at work than the naked eyes. On the other hand, to take all and give nothing is selfish. No arguments. I don't watch these things for entertainme