College Board.

I'd never thought -or presumed in my whole life that I'll be standing a position in the College Board, else familiarly known as Student Body Representative.

I mean, the socially awkward,people-phobic,air-headed,demure me would've never even consider this thing in a glance much less actually BE in it.

And now?
Now, I am Chief of Discipline in my college's Student Body Representative. At first I'd only wanted to be in Teratak Chocolate's committee members and I am, under the Bureau Program and my Chief is my classmate. 
Ah,Teratak Chocolate is the name of our college's 'surau'.

All of a sudden,we Teratak Chocolate committee members Foundation level (in short,JASASI) find ourselves named for selection for members on College Board.
 I mean-just.Whoa.

I never was the type to reign power,preferring to watch idly from the sideline and predict the outcomes. I'm more of an observer than a hands-on worker,though if push comes to shove I wouldn't hesitate getting my hands dirty.
Other than when I was happily the Vice President of the Librarian Committee last year,I don't really like to get down on the field unless I need to.

Suddenly we were overwhelmed with the knowledge that this college is now under our hands should we like to make arrangements of some sorts.
It seemed like too much of a responsibility to shoulder when we barely knew our way around just yet.

Of course,it's not like our seniors could help it since they are studying for their final exam and thus having their semester break very soon.
They'd like to have some juniors they can trust to at least monitor the college lest some outbreak happened or something.

It's just a bit sudden is all.


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