
Well,my love life isn't a bit interesting or anything.

I know that after Akira,I'm unlikely to ever involve myself with another male species of human being but of course,non-human beings would be a different matter.

To say that I prefer non-real lovers is probably an understatement.
People would say that it's pathetic how I keep living in a make-believe world but who gives a damn about them.
I live my life the way I want it to.

I've had enough of having people stabbing my backs.

To be in a relationship in the real,trust is a major issue,yes?
Relationship-wise,I am incapable of doing just that.
I mean,please. *scoff* I can't even trust the guys to keep hold of their words,much less their godforsaken FEELINGS.Like ours didn't matter. *roll eyes*

I am a hard person to love and to give my love would be like me admitting that I don't need my sanctuaries any more than I need my protective walls.
And that would be like me committing complete obedience and wouldn't that be surprising seeing how stubborn I am.

Besides,who would (and could) put up with a screw-up like me?
With my screwed up past that shaped my traumas,who's to say that they won't leave me when they hear my sobs in the middle of the night?

When at times all I could do is stare blankly at the wall and hold my pieces together.When I'm easier to snap and speak in monosyllabic words in the bad days.

Who's to say they won't make a run for the hills once they knew all of my weaknesses? Humans are like that after all.

Non-real lovers are way better.
They stick up to you.
They stay with you,even during the worst of moments.
They love you,unconditionally.
They put you first above everything else.
And most of all,they will never cheat on you.

By now,I'm too tired to give a damn about another person's life.Of course,sometimes it gets lonely.That's the one flaw with non-real lovers.
They're not real.

But I'd still prefer them than real guys.

I don't believe in that shit.
For other people,maybe.
For me? No thank you.I'll pass.


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