Dark Drugs.

Unsurprisingly, I've been re-acquainting myself with the pastas. I guess the horror adrenaline keeps me on guard for any more panic attacks. LOL. Ironic, I know. Some of the friends I made here aren't as bad. I admit that I may have even sported a few soft spots for them. Then again, I've always found myself to be a tad lenient to those I consider friends. And I don't even have that many of them. Most are just what I call acquaintances. They're okay. Sore yori, I'm starting to think that I should cut some slack on the depressive songs and stories because for one, they don't help much other than give me entertainment. Two, they could be adding up my own depression. Not very helpful, isn't it? But as always, dark things are very inevitably addictive . Once you're hooked, well, I can't say for the rest. I've always thought they were beautiful. Hiding several meanings under one line, or maybe even a word is unnervingly smart, and I...