
Showing posts from November, 2019

Compulsive Flirting no more

These days thoughts fly in and out of my consciousness faster than I can keep track of them. Even when I stop for a while on certain thoughts and felt that I should make note of them, they eventually got forgotten and circling them back takes more of an effort than I thought. Not necessarily the ones I put out on social media either, because I'm not entirely sure I want them out there for reasons some idiot taking them out of context.  Here is MY sanctuary.  At one point in time, I know I would delete my Twitter eventually because I was never fond of it, I never liked it, and I only made it this year because I was trying to venture out of my comfort zone on reaching out due to a friend's suggestion. When I'm more susceptibly stable on my own, I will deactivate and delete it. But I can't deny that certain things ARE instigated by the platform, in terms of thoughts, both bad and good. Undeniably more bad than good, which is why I will deactivate it sooner than later...

Thanks, Emma Watson

The whole self-partner thing is really working out for me, 'cause I like how it sounds. I'm not looking for a partner, I've always kinda let those who came to stay, stay, and those who wants to leave, leave. I'm a let-things-fall-where-they-fall kinda person.  I'm okay with being who I am and who I was and who I will be, regardless of who stays and leave. It's a necessary thing to ground yourself to you and not to someone or something so you never lose foothold.  Of course, sometimes, memory comes and goes. You can't really help those kind of things, where you've made memories and they won't disappear. When you accept those things, it's easier to let them pass and you move along to other things. I will be 24 next year, and new challenges will appear. And then 25, and 26, and so on. Maybe I'll die at 24. Maybe I'll die at 38. Maybe I'll die at 27. Who knows? Some of my friends don't see themselves living beyond 30, that...