mo daijobu da..(^^)


Currently sitting my butt on the PMR Trial Exam now.Still 2 more days to go,subjects-Geography,Kemahiran Hidup and Arabic Language.Ahh~~ wish it'll passes quickly!! xPP
Haven't contacting Fazer,Faqie nor Azwa lately cuz afraid to disturb their study..But I misses them a lot..(I miss them all the time.(^^"))

Ah,it's Ramadhan month rite now,and I guess it is the cause that causes the serenity that begins to seep between me and my parents.Things are beginning to cool down now..Dad stopped calling me "Husna' (he does that when he's angry at me) and Mom doesn't yell at me anymore.I guess Ramadhan is the month of miracle.. I'm really thankful..(^^)

So far everything is good..(^^)


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