Happy Mother's Day~!!! >3


Especially to MY mom.Love you,mom! (>3<)/

Seriously,a mother is,like,the most noble and honorable being in the whole universe! A child's heaven is under his/her mother's foot,this,we all know.And of course,we women will all be a mother someday.And honestly,I'm terrified at the very sound of 'giving birth'.(>M<")
Do you know how painful it is to give birth to one child??!! Let alone many of them! Most husbands stay outside the wardroom when their wives are fighting death on their bed which could probably be their deathbeds as well.That's a fact,eventho some hospitals don't let the husbands in the wardroom with their wives,which I think is just ridiculous.
Women who died while giving birth is counted as a 'syahid' death.They go straight to paradise without any delayments because the process of giving birth to another life is soul cleansing.It cleans off all the sins from the moment we were born till that moment when we were giving birth except for big sins.

So,never cross your mother,okay?! >xO

Unlike my stupid jackassed of a brother! He's turning 14 this year and he keeps getting in fights with Mom and Dad! D8<
I mean,I know he's in the early stage of rebellious age and he's got quite a temper to control,soredemo-! That's no way to talk to Mom and Dad! yeah,we all got pissed sometimes when they pry into our business or somethin' but we're supposed to shut up and listen! Even I gets pissed off at Mom nor Dad,mostly,but I never raised my voice or speak rudely to them! But slamming my door seems to be a habit,hehehe~
My brother's head is as hard as mine.We're both hard-headed compared to Onee-san(who had the highest temper among all five of us)


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