Third Outlook on a Good Day

The phone vibrated violently with the alarms loudly going off with the text flashing "WAKE UP FOR CLASS DAMMIT YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE" beside her pillow, messy black hair fanning out the sides like gravity demands it per physics. She rolled towards the sound, face pinched unpleasantly at the wake-up call and moved her hands, patting around the general area of the phone with her eyes closed. Her roommate, all ready and pristine for her morning class rolled her eyes at the all too familiar sight. She moved to wake her.

"Jamie. James, wake up. D'ya have class this morning?" she asked, close to the not-awake mass of grumbling body on the grey-sheets bed but not touching her. 
The aforementioned grumbling body -Jamie, apparently- grunts not-quite an answer, and shifts her head slightly towards the voice of her roommate and slurred, "Nnnoo..ain't got'nyclass till 2..".

The roommate nodded her acknowledgement and left the still-grumbling body back to her slumber as she clumsily swiped off the alarms and soft snores slowly escaped her lips.
There was only the sound of a click of the door being locked as her roommate left the room.

Hours pass and Jamie wakes briefly between 9 and 10 o'clock but does nothing other than checking her phone for time and swiftly goes back to sleep again after.
She doesn't dream.

11 o'clock strikes near and she rustled softly between her green-and-brown spots blanket, eyes fluttering awake. Soft unintelligible sounds passed in the quiet of the room as she slowly approach the horizon of the awake, sunlight streaming through the half opened windows her roommate had left her with. It was warm, and she wriggled at the warmth of the bed -both from her own body heat and the sunlight. She grappled for her phone and checked for updates in the class groupchat, just in case. She saw none, and grinned lazily, cheeks smushed like a squirrel against the sheets and eyes half-opened flicking to the drool spots making mental notes to avoid those.

There was no sound other than her own slow and soft breathing in the room, aside from the occasional chirping and leaves swishing outside the window. She briefly counted the schedule and time accounted for them and decided she had enough time for a lounge on the bed and opened her tabs of fanfics on the phone, bedhair in disarray and warm with sleep.

An hour passed and she finally decided it's about time to get up, so she did, all rumpled and feeling contented. She glanced at her schedule, muttering to herself, "Lit&Media starts at I should get..brunch? that's about 15 minutes..Then shower..Cutting it close, maybe, but should be enough.."

She staggered (as she does commonly after slumber) to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Naturally, she didn't bother with her hair other than tying it up as a ponytail and went down to the cafe to get food. Considering on a regular day she doesn't quite bother with food, this is actually a good sign.

She returned to her room later sans couple bucks short with the additional wraps in a plastic bag dangling from her wrist. She settled down to eat with her laptop open and Markiplier's voice yelling out from the screen. She ate peacefully.
It was an update of the week rant + Oxygen Not Included and it was a stream video which, as always, made her smile and laugh because Mark is a silly goof (also Chica is adorable).

She glanced at the time, "Whoops, sorry to cut you short, Mark, but I've gotta shower now. Catch you later after class though (thank God there's only the one)." , and shut off the laptop. grabbing her towel on the way out.

Dressed in dark blue jeans and a grey and red hoodie, she made her way out to class, locking the room behind her.


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