Creation Mess

So I haven't been drawing much lately. Because I've been focused on stitching and keeping tabs on things, there isn't really much pictures in my head to draw. But I have been steadily writing again, on top of doing more stitching projects.

Oh, by the way, it's after election week now and I've just gotten back to college a day earlier than expected because fucking drama rehearsal. At least this time it's actually fucking productive and makes me have a smidgeon of faith that we won't completely fuck up the performance and fail.

Time at home was good, though. I missed sis and my siblings. I like how they're interested in my stitching projects too 😗💕

It's taking me a while to complete each one since my assignment deadlines are coming up and I have prepared nothing. So. 
All nighters till finals it is.

No, I'm not gonna talk politics. Never liked it.
Maybe the recent change is what "draws the world to Malaysia" right now but honestly, I did my deed and y'all can leave my respective ass alone now. This ass got a dozen more shit to do and politics goes in the same box as people. 

Didn't get to visit Mum and Bubblegum tho 😢
She was gonna teach me knitting too. 

Beloved's birthday is coming soon and I'm already stocked up with surprise ideas. 

I feel like all I need to survive the day is just thoughts of cats. How many cats we can live with and surrounded by. How many kittens can we raise before getting the title. How many shelters can I empty before the room can finish. Cats. Just cats. 
Sure I'm a little jealous Beloved got Tezca but to be fair, he deserves Tezca. Soon, though. Can't wait to welcome John and Castiel to the pack. 

Oh hey, idea.
Maybe I can draw some good shit with this.
End of rambling.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I tried to post some ASCII art with cats but the format was ruined T_T
    Hang in there though! Cats are definitely one of the biggest things to look forward to <3


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