Strange Cohabitation

Cohabitation with other people who aren't your family is strange.
I mean, naturally, right? That much is obvious.
But I don't know how to describe it.

It's not like it's giving me problems, or discomfort. Rather, each of us are just living at our own pace while sharing a place. Knowing the bare minimum about each other, and communicating when purely necessary. Occasionally, we get irked by each other's habits, though showing no verbal distaste of it for the sake of keeping the peace, we get by.
Even using "we" somehow feels like a unnatural context, because we are strangers sharing a space.

It made me think how awesome it'd be to have my own place, living alone.
I usually don't cook, but when I was living on campus, it was a violation. Somehow living here still feels like I'm on campus, without the HEP bullshit. I still don't cook, two of my other housemates do (probably because they're the ones who lived here first and are used to take care of themselves) but food ration is still to each their own even while sharing a kitchen. We recognize those which are not ours and do not touch it.
Kinda like putting names on snacks.

How do I describe it...
It's like, the food on the counter belongs to housemate #1, the cooked food on the table belongs to  housemate #2 and #3, the snacks in the refrigerator belongs to housemate #4, and my own stash is in the lower drawers where I keep my instants, coffee, and tea. Housemate #6 eats out.

There aren't rules, per se, but somehow it was just silently acknowledged.
I suppose it's common sense.

It's not like I can't survive on my own, I have been known to utilize house objects fairly well at home. Perhaps living with strangers made that undesirable. Still, I reiterate, it is not a problem. It is merely a stray thought. And considering the circumstances, I am grateful with what I have now since there was a chance it could have been a lot worse.

Maybe someday, I will be able to make that goal come true.
With my own hard work, and my own gain. 
That'd be awesome.

P/S : I know living alone is fucking expensive as fuck, yes, I am aware of the economical environment and status when it comes to stand on your own two feet. How long do you think I've been wanting to live independently? Knowing I can't afford it yet doesn't make it arrogant of me to want to overcome it.


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