Fourth Annual Sleepover
Every year, I go to visit Amelia and Irene in Kedah and we have a sleepover. This tradition began when Foundation ended and we began our degree, because we didn't want our connection to end with Foundation. It has been going on for four years now, from the year I started my degree till the end.
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A picture taken as we wait for our order in a Korean cafe during lunch hour (it was amazing how Mya and Irene manage to find places nary of people and we could eat and spend our time together in peace because God knows how stressful it would've been if the place was crowded with people and noisy as fuck) |
Every year, it doesn't seem we change all that much, in terms of appearance. I still look as dumb and mediocre next to the two of them like I do in Foundation and they still accept my gremlin-looking ass next to them (hahaha). Generally, we don't keep in touch with each other all that much, other than sporadic events here and there. We're more of those kind of friends who doesn't talk to each other all that much but when we meet, it feels like no time has moved and we have always been together. Even if many has happened, the three of us remains constant, and I feel like that fact is the thing that keeps us going, more often than not.
This year, we booked a hotel for the first time rather than staying at either of their houses because for one, both of them has gotten jobs (Mya, a private school's kindergarten teacher, Irene, a freelance translator) and two, their houses are currently full with returning siblings who came home from school/work for Christmas holidays and/or siblings who stayed at their parents' home with their spouses. I can't wait for the time I too, become a working adult with stable financial income so I could repay the favour. It'll be so nice to be independent with my money for good.
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Not much to say, other than Mya and I being gremlins. |
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And then immediately get embarassed by our own gremlin actions. |
For the most part, our sleepover often marks the end of the year for us. A time apart from everything and anything as we indulge in each other's presence and comfort. We didn't even really plan anything extravagant, we settled in the hotel, picked out food, play card games, pick out more food, sleep, play more card games (with extra punishments as change of pace) and then more sleep. In essence, all of us are introverts anyway so we relish better in the comfort of each other's presence and voices than being in a loud place surrounded by strangers. The most outlandish thing we did during the sleepover, if I have to think, is going to the karaoke, because it was my first time and I have never been to a karaoke place until now. Last year, we went to the I-City amusement park and got onto some rides because Irene has never gotten onto one. I suppose in a way, this sleepover is something that will allow us to experience everything life has to offer with each other by our side.
It doesn't really matter what we do, as long as we do it together. Be it marking all of our firsts in many experiences, this tradition will be the marking of each events in our lives.

We have been friends since we were 18 years old. We are now 23, and will be 24 by 2020. Many has happened, and we have come through many stages in our lives. But I hope this tradition stays alive until the last moments of our breath, and our children will adopt it as well. Thank you for being by my side when it counted, and I apologize for every misdeed and painful memories I have given you.
You were the hands that picked me up when I was lost, and the hands that covered my form when I was sobbing. I am blessed to have you as my friends.
Yours, Farah.
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