hisashiburi~~~!!! XD

Y0. It's been a while since my last post.Let's just say that I'm too 'busy' with a bit homework and babysitting at home.hahahaha~~~ XD But there's some latest news on Faqie and I want to report it as soon as possible!(report to who exactly????) Finally Faqie decided to open up to me.She decided to tell me about what happened between her and her stupid,non-beneficial,idiotic,big-arsed,dorky,jerky,crazy fiancee'.Man,I really want to spit the cursing on that jerk-arsed guy.He really gets on my nerves whenever Faqie talks about him. >=( Good thing Faqie kicked his stupid big-arsed ass before I do.She kicks better than I do,it's just that she's a bit softy when it comes to him.Well,it's expected actually,since he is her first love and their dads are bestfriends,I'm guessing she is going soft on that shit is because she doesn't want to ruin their dads' relationships...She's having a hard time,trying to restrain herself to not beat th...