
A few weeks ago,I received a message from Faqie,it was a weird message and it reads..
"I'm looking for something that is missing in me,but I don't know what it is..There's so many things that you didn't know about me..I don't even know about my own past..I don't know what makes me forgot all those things but it gave me a feeling that they hurts...I've been looking the missing thing inside me for ages but I can't find it..."
At that time,I was wondering why would she thinks something so foolish,yet sometimes so brilliant?? I even wondered if she have an alter ego or something which I accidentally happen to have....T__T|||..
I was thinking of replying her this:
"yah! whaddaya mean I don't know a lot about you?! yes,I DO not know about your past,your childhood memories,your childhood friend,I don't even know how your parents look like! but I know you the way you are now,I don't know why but the moment we chatted together in the hostel,it seems like I've known you for such a long year,like I've been waiting for you to come..And maybe I didn't realized it,but when you talked to me,I felt so amazingly,surprisingly,incredibly,superbly happy(an emotion that is rare to describe and to feel by me) it's because YOU are the way you are NOW,that we could be together again,in this life.And one more thing,don't look for it,let it look for you.Eventhough I wouldn't want to recommend you to remember a painful past,but it's your choice with your past,but one thing only..Promise me that you won't cry because if you are hurted,then so am I.But still,I would still suggest that you shouldn't try to remember the missing past as it will hurt you somehow (I have the feeling of it,trust me) because what's past is past,let it be by gone,what matters now is the moments of NOW.and the FUTURE."
But I didn't.I didn't sent her that reply,I just kept quiet instead because she was right somehow,there's a lot of things that I don't know about her,yet we are so close like childhood friends.But it;s true,the whole thing is true,I really did felt that feeling of knowing her when we first met,and she had once said to me that she had that feeling too when she first saw me in the crowd.She said she was like,seeing I'm the only person there among the sea of people and she had only noticed me among thousands of freshmen.I thought that was weird,it's like what people called 'destiny'.But sometimes I wondered,if we were meant to be apart,why destined us together??
Are we destined to be together...Or to be apart??
only one sentence that I can say to you: YOU GUYS ARE DESTINED, MAN!!! xDD
ReplyDeletememang xleh dinafikan doh..
btw, I got worried of Faqie's condition. I'm worried that her 'illness' that makes her couldnt even remember her past.. T___T
I dunno,dude... Sometimes destiny is too hard to predict,and about faqie...maybe it is because of her 'illness' or maybe not.