It's all bcuz of a stupid request.

Urgh...It hurts more than I expected it to be...Well,I'm not suprised that it came to me earlier than it should but,it's a bit too,early..

All was going well until he sent me that stupid request.All was running smoothly with each's lives normally until that stupid request he made that made me feel so utterly stupid for even giving a  thought of him being my legally coming-to-be boyfriend.

We just achieved a mutual agreement last nite,and this morning he acts like he's already my boyfriend! Besides,we just knew each other this year!! (>^<)

"Once bitten,twice shy"-I should've known..This idiom has always been in my most favourited idioms of all amongst many things I love in Eng.subject.And I acknowledge it's meaning very well...

Now I feel so stupid...Stupid for failing in something that I acknowledge very well..

I should've seen it coming,but then,what can I say? I'm stupid..Aren't I??

I've experienced this before..Haven't I? Then why..Did I made that agreement with him..? After the agreement was made,it wasn't him that played through my mind all night..

Those images..Those memories..They weren't him..It was "him",who betrayed me.The memories..of when we were together..Why..? Didn't I despise him?? Didn't I made myself clear that I have already forgot about him..? And on top of that why now..? Of all time,why..Now?

This pain..Ah,I see..This is what it feels like to be chained with the one you didn't love.I liked him,yes,I do.But I never said that I loved him.

Remember folks,never think that "like" and "love" as the same thing!! They are not!! "like" is different while 'love" is different!! I "like" many people,but "love" few.Including families,friends and..."him".

Well,it's my fault nonetheless,better prepare to atone for it.

[people may forget the past,but the past will never forget people ; Serizawa Naoto - Maou-]


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