once you're free,private probs arise.

WOW.I can't believe this.PMR's over.Can you believe that? It's over.OVER. 
 Hah! Free! Free at laaaassstttt~~~!!!! xDDDD Gaaaaaa~~~~~ I'm gonna do every single thing I've been restraining myself from since like,last year! Hah! Freeeeeeeeddddoooooommmmmm~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDD
Ceh.Even if I'm free for now,have to wait until Onee-san comes home with new stock.Until then,let's go download some freaking cool new MV's~~!!!! xDD

Well,since study and pressure problems are no more,personal problems made priority. (sigh~)

Now seriously,what else personal problems could I have other than with that dense guy? I can tell he's insensitive thou frankly almost 90% guys our age are insensitive  towards their so-called-crush.Right around April,I think,he confessed.To me.Okay,no objection.Around the same month,I responded,sealing a deal between us.Although we're not officially a couple,you could say that we're almost one.And now,could anyone tell me why the hell is he avoiding me?

........maa,not that I cared anyway but yeah,I'm kinda intimidated.A bit upset.Because I feel like I'm being played around.

I didn't ask before because I didn't want to disturb his studies,and now I don't want to disturb his rest from the choral speaking trainings at school.I thought he must be tired,so I just shut up.

When Amani(12 years old neighbour) accidentally sent a break-up message to him which of course he thought from me,he didn't reply.He didn't even asked 'why'.Althou that wasn't my intention,would he really let me go without a second thought if I really DO asked for a break-up.....?

Seriously,is this guy playing with me or what? If he doesn't like me anymore then we could just split up,it's not that hard.But if he doesn't like me anymore but didn't wanna split up,then that's trouble.Why bother holding on if there's no reason to? Some people are masochists(people who like things that troubles them) but I am SO definitely NOT a masochist.I HATE things that gives me trouble.Literally.

He haven't texted.Far from calls.And then he gets mad when I gets close to my brother(hopefully-to-be-brother-in-law),from my point....He does not have any rights to be mad at me if I'm too close with brother,because he's the one who's avoiding me.If he didn't have time,or busy,I understand.But at least text me a simple message...At least once a month you hopeless moron...

Stop lying.And please retrieve your senses wherever you throw them.'cause if we break up someday,it'll not gonna be my fault.


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