Let me introduce to you "ABC"-Angry.Bored.Confused.

Ogenki desu ka? The mid-term holidays are coming to an end,just 4 more days to go.
Yeah2,I haven't write since Mother's day last month,and that post was half finished! Something disturbed me when I was in the process. :T
Onee-san came home 3 days early before our mid-term started and she got to stay home a week after the mid-term holidays ended.Tceh,lucky brat.

Hmm,what did you guys do on your holidays? I suspect you guys had it better than mine anyways,mine are just regular.
Y'noe,waking up late in the mornin',breakfast,TV,lappy,lunch,lappy,dinner,lappy,bed.The same routine every day~ oh,don't bother asking me about homeworks,didn't touch 'em yet.*grins*
I'll finish them when tomorrow schools.hehe~ xP

Because of the boredom,I constantly keep in touch with FB eventho I have my own Twitter account now.Onee-san doesn't understand why because she thinks FB is outdated and Twitter is more fun.I dunno,I don't understand why people want to post almost every single thing they do every second.Isn't that tiring? 
Well,there's few things I want to whine about right now so if you think you can stand me,do stay.
People,let me introduce to you the ABC.They stand for Angry,Bored,and Confused.
Angry,with my stupid twin brother.His name is Shuuji(not real name).He's not my real twin brother,not biologically,but we were born on the same day,24th of February 1996.
I'm angry with him because he just provoked(or should I say "dared") my ex to confess in PUBLIC that I'm still his so-called-girl.
Shu no bakka!! Gakko ni hajimekara omae wa zettai ni KOROSU!!!!!  DD"x
*Translation:Shu you idiot!! I am so gonna KILL you when school starts!!!!!*

Bored,as usual.There's really nothin' to explain now,does it?

and lastly,Confused,with his response.I mean,dou iu imi nanda?! (*translation:what is the meaning of this?!*).
If it's a joke,I can tolerate that.if it's not,but not directly involving me eventho I'm not stupid enough to not notice who they're hinting about,I can also tolerate that.
BUT IT'S NOT.It's directly involving me,which I could not provide any toleration. 
Why didn't he deny it? Any of it? He should be careful to not hurt his gf's feelings(which is NOT me)!! Just deny it already!! This's going to bring trouble to me and I can sniff it! I thought he moved on,and so did I.So why is he doing this....?


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