Tsukareta~~ (-^-")

Uhh,can we skip out the pleasantries today?? I'm too bushed to care about manners right now..(-^-|||)

Keeping up with the classes and sports beats the hell outta me.It's not like I'm even good at sports,except for the ones I've played before.
Besides,other than Muzakkir and Mia,the rest of us are introverts.Onee-san and I rarely goes out of house on weekends because we prefer to stay inside and read.

We just got out midterm results a few days ago and for a moment,I thought all the days I've been  exhausted over paid me a good price.I was ranked 4th in our batch,right under Zue.
And Sonoko(not real name) was ranked 9th.
If I recall this correctly,I have never surpassed Sonoko before,even when we were in primary school.This's the first time,I think.
Eventhough I barely passed Accountancy,I didn't feel frustrated or anything.Guess I happen to accept things the way they are.Once they're decided,that is.

I dislike sports and clubs activities,and rather than running my ass off at the field I'd like to go home quickly and rest.It's not like I don't have tuition classes to attend and I would really like to skip the whole thing.
Which is just like Sonoko to drag me into it without any of my will.*rolls eye*
Seriously,that girl will someday arrange my marriage without me knowing a thing! *making exasperated faces*
But,that's just the way she is,and it's not like I've just met her.I am to either decline or agree with what she says but when she decided something before consulting me,means that I would have no chance to either reactions.*sigh* 

Other than that,Noeru's keeping my hands full at home too.She's our newest member of the family,Dad found her meowing her heads off in the backyard.Personally,she's Onee-san's problem because I've had enough already but instead of bringing Noeru with her to IPG,she left the little kid home with me.
Not that I mind having her around tho,she keeps me distracted.
Distraction is good.Keeps me from being too focus on stuffs.Instead,Mom said she looks overfed.(-_____-")

I miss Onee-san already.She just left a week ago and coming home next week now that she has her own car to go back with.
It's boring at home when I feel too lazy to do homework.I can't speak in English nor Japanese when she's not around and it's frustrating to not have anyone to understand what you're saying.
I often talk to Noeru but the kid just stares at me blankly,at least Bocco have responses.Or he used to,at least.
I'd rather Onee-san to name her Baron actually but after a while,I think Noeru suits her better.Sounds more feminine.

Well,I guess there'd be more posts like this for the next 2 years.Unlike Onee-san who amazingly keeps her blog updated recently,I don't really have much time except in the weekends to post anything.
I know it's a stupid excuse but I'll try to post again whenever I have the chance.You guys too,take good care of your body! Onee-san just caught a fever and I hope you guys aren't being reckless just because of study!

I wonder is Onee-san alright???


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