Let Go.

Why are our English studies consists mostly about "love"?? Especially Literature.
Don't they have something else to press on? For instance,"family"?? Or "friendship"??
I mean,both of the subjects is "love" too but a more specific one! More moral,I should say.
"Love" between a guy and a girl is too......awkward to talk about in studies,don't you think?

Blergh. xPP

In the poem "He Had Such Quiet Eyes" that we fairly know in Form 4 Literature,it tells us about the danger in falling in love with the wrong guy.Sir asked us a question,do you think it is a good advice? most of us answered yes,and so did I.
My answer was that so as to not get a broken-heart because falling in love,doesn't always end with a happy ending.
[you can't seriously think ALL relationships have happy endings,don't you??]

If we fell in love but it didn't go as expected,we would be hurt.
Which is why we have to learn to let go.

In a rocky relationship that could not be saved,one of the two had to let go so that both will be free without compelling damage to one another.
Let's say,for instance,my relationship.I was the one who cut it off.And I asked,because we were both unhappy.But,as you can see....He hasn't learned to let go.To let ME go.
Either the girl or the boy would not be able to do this,which is why they could not move on.

If we could not let go of something from the past,how can we move on to the future??

Our life would be stuck in a mess and we would be having emotional upheaval that could infect our mental stability.For example,being emo all the time.
[ya see this gloomy kid? that's you.]

All because we could not let go of something that was out of our reach.

We should be thinking :-
'I need to move on with my life.'
'He/She is not the only one in this planet.'
'Maybe we were not destined to be together.'
'I need to let go.'
instead of :-
'I want him/her no matter what.'
'I couldn't live without her/him.'
'We are destined for each other.'
'I won't let go.'

Somehow it makes you look like a crazy person,right? with that sort of thoughts.Murder because of "love" are not rare nowadays.We read them in newspapers almost everyday.That's why there are such things like "stalkers".

Learn to let go.
It'll do you good someday.


  1. sadap,just bcoz ur love life ain't as angsty as mine,not ur decision for our hearts to do as our mind told us.

  2. y're u being so defensive 'bout? i ain't referring to u,am i?

    *terase la tuuu...


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