It's middle-year's holiday.^^
I've just watched Gosick a few days ago and truth be told,I wish I'd seen it sooner.The story was so like SAO yet unique and different in it's own ways.
When Kujo Kazuya and Victorique got separated as they have been foretold,I'd bawled my eyes out every last episode all the while watching each second of it.(TTmTT)
Mom thinks it's ridiculous to cry that much over simple "cartoons",as they say,but heck I don't give a damn.Normal people don't understand us otakus.Hmph.

"Kujo Kazuya" and "Victorique Gallo".It's actually "Victorique de Blois" but to hell with that name.She's much better off with her mother's maiden name,"Cordelia Gallo",than that evil Marquis. >:T

Kazuya and Victorique..

The story took place in Europe,a small country called Saubure.From the background,it seemed somewhere around the after World War I age.
At first,I had no interest in the story for I rather had low interest in investigations and cases-related stories-that blame falls on Detective Conan,apparently-but after watching 3 episodes of Gosick,I found myself rather enchanted by Victorique's brisque attitude and Kazuya's kind-of-dumb-but-acceptably-cute behaviour.(=w=)
Besides,I've always liked smart heroines.
Not to mention extremely cute and has the standard to fight for her honour on her own."The Gray Wolf","The Golden-Haired Fairy","The Fairy of The Library","The Kingdom of Seyrun",and my all-time favourite,"Monstre Charmant".These are all Victorique's aliases,Kazuya's were only "The Reaper of Spring" and the "Rabbit of Monstre Charmant".The latter suits him best. xP

Although I quite dislike Grevil De Blois,Victorique's half brother,he deemed himself worthy at the end.That's good,or else I wouldn't imagine how Jacqueline's life would be with him.*roll eyes*

[stupid detective,Grevil De Blois...]
All in all,it was worthy.(>v<)
The hardest part was when Victorique was used as the 'tool' to control the war by the Marquis,far from Kazuya who was training as a soldier in his country.
The war was the foretold 'storm' that would separate them,but their hearts will never be apart from each other.*sob*sob*
In the end,the 'storm' passed and Victorique,using her "Chie no Irezumi",the Spring of Wisdom,made it to Kazuya's family.

As promised,Kazuya found her,and never again will they be separated from each other.I know they got married in the end,but I wonder why Kazuya was wearing his soldier uniform..? A western-tuxedo suits him better.(=^=)-o
Both of them desperately tried their best to survive,because they can't afford to die.Because the 'rabbit' is the 'monstre charmant's' heart.
If the 'rabbit' dies,so does the 'monstre charmant'.(^v^)


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