So Long

Yoo~ Minna~
it's been so long~ and as always,I have the most awful sense of timing to post.LOL~ see,I'm in the middle of exam week.
And I was just wondering 2 days ago of how long has it been since I last surfed the Internet.Considering I had quite some time to think about those mundane things while recovering.Ahh,recovering,by what I mean from sickness.
I just got down with a fever few days ago.But I'm okay now.My system's antibodies fighting back.^^

I just finished reading Onee-san's posts that I've been missing out.Gee,Nee-san,you haven't taken a single word of my advices.*sigh* Of course,that's expected from you.
I'm just a bit stricken that I've never heard any of this at home.And weirded out.Why would you think you're alone? You have lots of people loving you and accepting you for who you are yet you still chase those who had threw you aside.
You know,for a 20 years old lady,you seem to be acting more like a 17 years old kid.That's why I understand every word you put in there.
Or,if you think that's an overstatement,please correct me.
I'm not just a radar for your crazed suitors,you know.Yeesh,you'd think of using every single reliable option for sanity,though.
Onee-san.I know what it feels like.I just don't know why.
So talk to me.

Well,that's about Nee-san.
Now my life! xD
Hmm..Both Qie and Wa have been very busy lately but Qie always manages to slip time for us.Haven't heard from Azer too since last...month,wasn't it?
 I've lost track of time.
And Syaf! God knows how he is right now.It feels like forever since our last contact! The last time was he'd gotten down with some sickness and I haven't heard anything from him till now! Just send me a signal if you're still alive,man! God! *exasperated sigh with a palm on my forehead*
Though it's exam week,I've been lolling around watching anime like I have all the time in the world.Well,I blame that on the heat of the fever.
Oh,and I had a breakdown last Wednesday at school.Normal people would think that was excruciatingly embarassing and would rather die of hypothermia than going back to school to face the people who have seen the event but since it's just me,I think nothing of it at all.Though it is inconvenient that I missed four papers that day.
Urgh. -____-||||
It was a combination of the fever and PMS that did it and boy,did it hurt.I was crying and hiccuping and coughing and vomiting all at the same time.
When I think back,it did look miraculous,doesn't it? Ahahahahaha~ xPP
I've been recovering since then and I think thanks to that breakdown,I've gotten some troubles done.Some untied ropes tied.Hehe~ x33

Well,that's that.
I'll see whenever I can post again.
And,oh,Happy Teacher's Day! And Happy Mother's Day too! xD


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