
Showing posts from August, 2016

It Gets Difficult, but It's to be Expected

*sigh* so, hey y'alls. Pardon if I sound 120% done but that's 'cause I am. Ha No, it's nothing big. Just my stupid cramps and the bloodbath in my uterus. Gives a girl cranky moods, yknow. The rollercoaster of moods is to be expected. *nod nod* I should be posting 18th August 2016 instead, but truth be told, I really don't want to. Why? Because I feel like I want to keep this for myself. Selfish? Nuh uh. It's my memory. I get to do what I want with it. And I already shared 17th August 2016 so it's more than enough. So there. Anyhoo, speaking of rollercoaster of moods, last night was a little bumpy. lol Relapses are normal. They're to be expected, even. But I won, this time, so, yayyy~ It's not often that they occur during periods because I would've been in hibernating mode but the times they do, it gets a little more difficult than usual.  Somehow it felt like everything was slightly heightened, rather than the usual annoying buzz at t...

17th August 2016

Right. I meant to update soon as I got home but.....yeah. I procrastinated. It's our long-planned holiday together since we got into degree programme and though it felt like it ended before it started, meeting them face to face again was worth it. Worth it. So fucking worth it. Persuading Mom to let me go was a bit of a doozy. Thank God Dad didn't have an issue with it. I kinda don't get it though, because I've been to places on my own before and she didn't have any objections but when I wanted to skip states to see my bestfriends, she suddenly backtracked? If it was a sense of danger, then wouldn't me skipping places on my own be more dangerous than me diddling over to see people who cares about my safety more than myself? Anyhoo, Dad managed to give me the go. The bus in TM is shit. My ticket was at 9 a.m which they tell me the earliest but after waiting from 8.30 to goddamn 11, I was spitting F-bombs like it was free candy. When I asked, they casuall...

Sparking old flames with Haikyuu!!!

Oooossuu~ Okay, recently I've started watching Haikyuu!!! and it's basically the first time I've ever watched a sports-based anime, KageHina pairing notwithstanding. I mean, I like the pairing first before the anime and that's usually how I find my fandoms. I see a cute pairing, I wonder who they are, I look them up, and proceed to ship them. Then I see their friends, and I wonder how the plot went connecting around them. Eventually, I would've been sucked into the whirlpool of binge-watching the series and ended up loving them even more. It's a series of unending obsession with one thing after another, tbh. LOL KageHina pairing is cute as balls, I admit. They remind me a lot of SasuNaru, in a way, but not entirely similar. Hinata has as much character as Naruto and Kageyama to Sasuke. And DaiSuga is definitely the Dad-Mom pairing of the group, although to be frank, when you're in a more-than-5 group of friends, you're likely to have one Dad fr...

Among the Normals

Olas. So, about that last post, I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. In here, I do that sometimes. Write about things of the past and what has happened since. It's not that I think about it all the time because that would've been unhealthy and it'll be like I'm holding on to the past that which have already gone and I wouldn't have been able to do anything to change it. It's like I said, sometimes, I have bad days. Of course, it led me to reminisce those things but other than feeling depressed for a couple of hours and crying myself to sleep, it was nothing a few tears can't fix. I ended up reading angsty Stony fics at the end of the day anyway. It's more like I need to remind myself of what has happened, so that I could reflect on it, and see my progress from then on. Yes, I was sad, irrevocably so, but I was sad for the past me. Reading my notes, I was sad for her, that she had to go on with so little faith. What she had to end...