17th August 2016

Right. I meant to update soon as I got home but.....yeah. I procrastinated.
It's our long-planned holiday together since we got into degree programme and though it felt like it ended before it started, meeting them face to face again was worth it.

Worth it. So fucking worth it.
Persuading Mom to let me go was a bit of a doozy. Thank God Dad didn't have an issue with it. I kinda don't get it though, because I've been to places on my own before and she didn't have any objections but when I wanted to skip states to see my bestfriends, she suddenly backtracked? If it was a sense of danger, then wouldn't me skipping places on my own be more dangerous than me diddling over to see people who cares about my safety more than myself? Anyhoo, Dad managed to give me the go.

The bus in TM is shit. My ticket was at 9 a.m which they tell me the earliest but after waiting from 8.30 to goddamn 11, I was spitting F-bombs like it was free candy. When I asked, they casually tell me that the bus naturally gets here at 11 and the rage intensifies because IF THE BUS GETS HERE AT 11 EARLIEST THEN WHY THE BLOODY FUCK DO YOU SELL 9 A.M TICKETS ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID. So many time wasted and it shorted out our plan for the day.

I packed pretty light, one medium duffel bag only. On the bus, my phone ran out of battery and I left the powerbank in the bag in the trunk. It nearly drove Mya and Irene nuts with worry 'cause I didn't pick up nor reply their calls and texts. I only texted them once I reached Sg.Petani, Kedah and managed to charge up my phone. It took a couple of turns for Mya to find me at the station lol (she arrived at the other end of it whilst I was on the opposite)

Here is where I was waiting for Amelia, at the bus station of Ukir Square.
She picked me up with a motorcycle (I haven't had a ride on them since Sis got driver's license lol) and off we went to her house. Meanwhile, she had informed Irene to meet us there the plan is that we both spend a night at Amelia's then Irene's taking me to hers the next day because Mya got work. I bought my ticket home with Amelia before we rode back to her home at the station.

I greeted Amelia's mother formally, thanking her and expressing my gratitude and apology for letting me stay over. Her dad wasn't home then, and when Irene came, we sort of squealed a little and danced stupidly in the living room. Funny because Amelia and I greeted each other with a "Yo, dude, s'good seein ya" while me and Irene *squeals* *do little stupid dance*.

Taken by the gate of Amelia's house. 2 little shits with their Mum, posing as silly as possible for the amount of time they were away from each other and the time they have together.

We went out a little late than expected as result for my stupid bus incident but we wanted to get on with it regardless. That is, go to the movies together. It's funny that all the while we've known each other, we've never been to the cinema together, so we decided to change that. Amelia and I are fans of horror and thriller but Irene isn't, so we agreed on The Shallows for minimum effect. I mean, man-eating sharks, it's a win-win.

We snuck some mini sausage rolls in. The movie was great and we didn't sit near annoying people. I stuffed my ears during the gore scene (Mya said she saw me closing my eyes and she was like, laughing, "dude are your eyes closed?") and jumped off my seat at the loud booming sounds. Irene and Mya were coolios in their seats and I was like "HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE THAT'S LOUD" lol .You'd think it was my first time in a cinema. (It's not.)

We went around the mall, me just following those two (and stopping Mya whenever she ventured too close to the shoe shops) leisurely. We took pictures in the MPH Bookstore and somehow that's not surprising at all, for us. Other normal people take pictures at landmarks or pretty graffitis, we take ours in a bookshop. Typical.
Irene and I had a blast by the cards segment.

I was holding a "It's hard being a Mum" card, and yes, I know my posture is shot to all kinds of hell. Irene looks like she's enjoying herself though. Lol

We went back to Mya's house and spent the rest of the night playing Vanish game (the one Markiplier couldn't seem to beat then vowing to never play it again after the one time he actually won after countless replays) and watching sappy comedic romance movie. 

Irene fell asleep halfway through (she's not a late-night owl like me and Mya) and I went to sleep curled up at her side, tired from the journey. We were all bundled tight in blankets, AC blaring full-throttle, like three fat caterpillars rolled on one leaf.
Irene slept in the middle, me by her left, Mya by her right.

At some point in the night, I shut off my laptop and set it down by my duffle bag and Mya rolled off a futon by the floor to sleep in. We argued during the evening that we'd just share the bed but Amelia was insistent that her back couldn't take the pressure, literally. 

As we sleepily dragged ourselves to a new arrangement, me managing to get out sleepy laughs from Irene when I playfully smorfed Mya in the face with a fluff pillow, I curled up on my side, feeling the comfort of the presence I missed so much as I drifted away.

Dear God, I am content. 


  1. Wait, I thought you enjoy watchinh gory, gruesome, macabre movies? no?

    1. I do, but somehow watching it in a big screen with EXTRA loud boom kinda gets to me a little.

  2. irene looks cute smiling like that while you look like some old woman trying to ask for direction hahaha


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