Sparking old flames with Haikyuu!!!


Okay, recently I've started watching Haikyuu!!! and it's basically the first time I've ever watched a sports-based anime, KageHina pairing notwithstanding. I mean, I like the pairing first before the anime and that's usually how I find my fandoms. I see a cute pairing, I wonder who they are, I look them up, and proceed to ship them.
Then I see their friends, and I wonder how the plot went connecting around them.
Eventually, I would've been sucked into the whirlpool of binge-watching the series and ended up loving them even more. It's a series of unending obsession with one thing after another, tbh. LOL

KageHina pairing is cute as balls, I admit. They remind me a lot of SasuNaru, in a way, but not entirely similar. Hinata has as much character as Naruto and Kageyama to Sasuke.
And DaiSuga is definitely the Dad-Mom pairing of the group, although to be frank, when you're in a more-than-5 group of friends, you're likely to have one Dad friend and one Mom friend. Tanaka is more like that over-protective, loud, obnoxious, big brother.

Plus, volleyball.

Why volleyball? If I was gonna watch a sports anime, I could've picked Ookiku Furikabutte or Free!, knowing my love for swimming and water-related things. The first one doesn't make sense considering I've never had any interest in baseball. (shrug)

Sure, I've played volleyball once in my youth, during the edge of primary school but I couldn't play long because our school never had a proper volleyball team before and they were barely starting on my last year. Back then, I'd been a netball player and our team went up to states once but lost on our third play. I guess in this play, I was in Kageyama's spot. Not that we had any of those "King" stuff but in an aspect, I was chosen because of my height and I could shoot really well. 

I remember the first time I shot.

The netball teacher called me out one day, after school, to the field. She handed me a ball and told me to throw it through the loop. It looked really high to me, then, and I thought, what a waste of time. She tried a couple of times, and it went through. She told me to try it.

I threw, and got in the first try. I was surprised.
She smiled and patted me on the back, saying I'd be a good addition to the netball team.
She left me on the field, slack-jawed, waving about tomorrow's practice.
I watched her leave, and looked to the ball in my hand.
I shot until Mom called me to go home.

I grew to love shooting.

When we were at a practice match or a real match, the giddy rush of scoring felt awesome. My position was called GS, and in netball, GS (Goal Shooter) and GD (Goal Defense) are to never leave the D area (an area in D-shape by the net) or we'll be called out. The WD (Wing Defense) and WS (Wing Shooter) can go past the second line before the D area where Center and the rest couldn't and my teammates would try to get the ball to me. 

The things I love about anime, is that they can make passion bleeds out of their pores regardless of what they do. Sometimes they get overboard like Yu-Gi-Oh or Beyblade etc etc but sports aren't that. You can genuinely love something to that point where you feel nothing but your love for it. Netball to me, was volleyball to Kageyama.

I loved it, and I loved to play. I loved to shoot.
My teammates didn't share the same enthusiasm, but they wanted to win and that was good enough for me. In highschool, I played. But I couldn't stretch my time and myself enough for both study and netball, and eventually, I had to choose.

Of course, I was going through symptoms of PTSD at the time, and gradually, everything I loved, I lost. I drowned in my night terrors regularly, and my arms bled just the same.
I fell out with my loves, and focused on the bare survival to breathe just another minute.

Now, when I'm all alright again, watching how passionately Hinata and Kageyama and their team plays, it sparked my old flame to netball. I would've loved to shoot again.
To bend my wrist around the heft of the ball, and watch it bound through the hoop and down through the net. I missed the feeling. 

A sneak peek.


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