Within Journals
Yo. So, work is steadily piling up. That's good, I suppose. Better than having my head float on nothing, although, I do admit having problems in one of the classes. Then again, if you have more than 6, you're bound to be bad in at least one of them, so I'm not really miffed about it too much. A little irritated, maybe, just because of the inconvenience. I haven't called home since I registered for the semester, and that's, what, 2 weeks ago? I'm not exactly stalling or avoiding the act, any more than I'd simply forgotten and when I tried, it was too late in the night and they're most likely sleeping. Classes end much later this semester than the last, so there's that also. Messages from Amelia and Irene have been sparse lately but I figured they have much more things on their hand than I do on a daily basis. I do hope they try to get regular breaks and take care of their mental and physical health once in a while. It'd be unfair if I'...