Set bar standards


It's weekends for the first week of second semester, for me at least, because I don't have any classes on Fridays. Teehee! xP
I suppose that's about to change next week, if what we heard about the schedule change is correct. Oh, well. When have I ever complained about work. *shrug*
Although I do complain a lot about the people I work with, that's normal coming from me. When have I ever NOT complain about people? Hahahahaha xD

Yesterday, we had our first class on Counselling. Why is there a class on Counselling this semester you ask? Beats me. Apparently it's a necessity for future teachers to be able to counsel their students in an orderly manner (OF COURSE!!!).

It looks like CSS (College Study Skills) a little to me, I guess. Though gladly focusing on the student than the teacher. In my opinion, we do actually need more perceptive and professional counsellors in education wings. My experiences in those area are frankly, disgustingly horrible. I would NOT have any kind of student face the same experience.
Eugh. *shudder*

It wasn't the so-called counsellor who gave me encouragement and recognition. It was my Reading course lecturer. Of course, Amelia too, but she is an absolute variable.

And when the lecturer in front mentioned something about "peer encouragement by confiding and listening and building trust", a friend to my right jokingly leaned and said, "You can tell me anything! ^^ I'll listen to you. ;P" and I responded, face looking forward and voice unwavering, not missing a beat, "I won't tell you anything. Since I don't trust you." A friend who had heard my response to my left commented, "Uwah, how blunt."

Well, I wasn't lying.

I did say this before, in many many previous posts over the years, that I do not trust easily. I do not trust those who are not staying. I do not trust those who do not follow through their words. More importantly, I do no trust those who are clueless/oblivious.
Pick one of your category.

Maybe I'm setting the bar standard for the word 'trust' as high as Amelia and Irene. Sis told me that no matter how strongly you think your friendship are, it crumbles as soon as you get married. I wonder....? Would the three of us be the same....?
Isolating one another the moment the other is involved in matrimony?
Is that how it works?

I mean, wouldn't my (if) husband-to-be needs their approval too? Aside from my family's?
Datte, if that's the way it works with boyfriends, then it should work all the more with fiancees, right? Ugh. I don't know. It's too far off in the future that it's unforeseeable.

Amelia and Irene are the people who stayed. And I believe will keep staying, as I intend to do for them. Therefore, I trust them. With anything, and everything. Unquestionably.

There are words you do not take lightly. Not until you experience it for yourself.

I don't envy those who can carelessly mouth the syllables. But if you don't have any resolve to keep around, do please watch the lines. I won't even bother looking up from my 'cage'.


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