is it weird??

Actually it's not really that weird,but can be counted as weird laa~~ see,

Question 'is it weird' no 1.I'm used to be called 'a guy' by some people,some of them are my friends and my sis is not an exception.Sarah,you too.(xPP) it's because I can understand the other gender's perspectives or rather you call the way they look at things.I'm not trying to boast or anything,but let's say that I'm a flexibel thinker.There's once when I was 13 years old,an unknown dude tried to hitch on my sister through her phone.We call it "phone harassment".Sis told me to brush the dude off her sleeves by being her brother-in-law,so,I "camouflaged" as her brother-in-law and warned the guy like,"dude,you're harassing my sister-in-law! U want me to talk to my brother about it?! She's married to my bro,for God's sake!! Stop calling her,dude!!"(remind here that my voice was hoarse like a guy so he fell for it.) so,my sis was left to peace then.A lot of my friends asked this kind of help from me,to shoo away some guy they want to reject by asking me to be their "boyfriend" or "fiancee".Tho I don't really mind.So,is it weird??

Question 'is it weird' no 2.Is my way of blending in the community's weird?? I like to isolate myself from people but I don't stop them from getting to me.So tell me,is it weird???



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