a story of u n me. (^^)

I'm bored.So I made a story.Characters are few.A "family" of five members.A "father",a "mother",and three "daughters".Hope it fits the page..-__-|||| (actually I tried putting on some emoticons so that it'd be easier to express but...Frankly I didn't know how to.So I'll just stick with the usual until help arrives.(-v-))

It starts with a loud scream in a big mansion that belongs to a particular 16 years-old boy who goes by the name Hanamichi Ryushi.
"Yukari,where's my phone?? It's the first day of school and I can't find the damn sh..Oh,there it is!" the already in panic boy snatched his phone which was actually only on his bed after asking his personal maid his stuffs are in check.The 25 years-old maid just shook her head with a sigh,"can anyone else handle this paranoic brat other than me..." He was already running to he gate when someone shouted at him,"Ryushi,your keys!! You'll be locked out without them!!" "Ah!! Wasureteta!! Ah,shit!! I'm already late,never mind Yukari I'll just climb today!!!! Jaa!!" "w..Wait,Ryushi!! you could just go..with your...car.Aish,that paranoia kid,he could've at least took the car! How's he suppose to run all the way to town with one shoe on?!" another sigh slipped through this young matured babysitter's lips.

She took a sight at a garden,consisting four groups of flowers-pink tulip,blue rose,orange-ish hibiscus and lavender-but only one stalk of white casablanca in the middle of the flower garden.A chuckle slipped,"hmp,lucky little brat.You finally got your chance." and she went into the house with a lot of things in mind.
"Students,please sit back on your seats.We have a new student today,Hanamichi-kun,please introduce yourself." The boy smiled nonchalantly with both of his hands on his pockets,noticing a few familiar smiles in his new class,he gave a low bow,"Yoh,Hanamichi Ryushi,pleasure to be back." He chose a familiar seat at the back when the teacher told him to choose any empty seats;but of course,there was only ONE empty seat,his's-after she shot him a weird look at his introduction.

He sat with his usual face,but smiled when a warm hand grabbed his as soon as he sat on that chair and another pair on his shoulder.He held the hand on his and thought,"Tathaima..." and as if  melodies sang with equal tempo,he heard them in his head,"Okaeri..." He gripped the warm hand on his with firmer hold,afraid that this blissful happiness turned out to be lie.
"Ryu...I...Can't....Breathe..." "ah.Tsuman'." he loosened his arm around the long dark-bluish haired girl after her face looked pretty blue itself."Ryu!! how come you only hugged Hanon and not us?!"


"yeah! We're your "daughters" you know!"

"Girls,you're choking your papa! Play nice!"

"Tch,mama's happy that papa's back too,admit it!"

"Luchia!! Papa!!"

"Ah. -__-||||"

He coughed a few times,trying to get air back to his lungs and testing if his trachea is still functioning well after a tight arm wrestles around his neck between his daughters.The girl named Hanon who goes by the special call "mama" only by this 'family' caresses his back,helping him to breath."L..Luchia...S..Seira..Did you guys work out on my disappearance? Your arms are pretty built.." "hehe,gomene papa~"

"Glad that you still remember this place." she chuckled while fixing into a more comfortable position on the boy's chest and stroked Luchia's hair on her lap lovingly,revealing a true motherly-side of her."Hey,there's no way I'd ever forget this place.This's where we had our memories,where our 'family' was first found." He tilted his back to sit properly to the tree's big old stem while caressing Seira's golden orange-ish hair while the girl sleeps soundly on his lap.
okay,I'll continue this on other post! gotta go~ xDD


  1. TEHEEE. i love this! xDDD ( which I know that Ryushi is YOU). LOL

    where's the next oneeeeee xDD

  2. hehe,thanks! x33

    the next one's coming right up! xD


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