Sick:in both terms of physical and mental

Thank God I don't have to use my voice to type.Really,if someday future technologies would be able to do that,I'd rather stick to the finger-typing.(-____-|||) Due to my sore throat,I had a rather silent day today.Half of it,at the very least.
Don't ask why are my throat's sore,I woke up in that condition.Maybe I strangled myself last nite or something.*shrug* 
The thing is,all the time I couldn't speak,my negative-thinking starts to rear itself again.
I thought,"it's as if I'm going to be mute." and then my train of thoughts went all crazy.
And suddenly,I feel..bad,for the people who posses the disability to speak.
They couldn't convey their feelings.They couldn't describe what they want to describe.
They couldn't do..what normal people could.It's very sad..

You know? All the time I couldn't speak,I was thinking how should I convey my love to the persons I love without words.My families,friends-far and near,teachers,those who I have truly appreciated.How to convey various of things without words.
At this point,I wish I had learned hand signals with Faqie when I still had the chance! xPP
I knew few of them,only the basic alphabets.And I could only remember how to spell my name in them.I know,I know,I'm pathetic.I already acknowledged that,thank you.(-3-)
If I was mute,how can I tell Faqie and Azwa I love them? how can I say thanks to Mom and Dad? how can I tell Nee-san things she need to know? how can can I....never mind.

Mom said sore throat can lead to fever.I'm not denying the heat on my skin nor the lurching in my head,but I believe it will be gone by tomorrow morning as it always have over the years.

Ah,I read Azer's latest posts.Huwaa,gotta admit,you looked pretty torn up,bro.(T_T") 
Why da *fudging hell didn'tcha tell me?! D:<
*sigh* I guess there IS a difference between different sexes even if it was only friendship..How come I  get scolded if I don't tell my problems to anyone but they can keep their's from me! It's not fair! Urgh..
I don't know why I'm being restless..I don't mind when my friends lean on me for support,or advices,or just plain company,I'd be glad to be of one.In fact,there's a lot of things I don't mind,less that I mind.Most of my rants,are just thoughts.Thoughts that passed.
Well,most of them.


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