Heads or Tails : Remembered or Forgotten

It is known that I save no residual unnecessary emotions toward the people I meet and vice versa. But the things I write today can always be blamed to the rolling waves of unstable emotional hormones raging through my double X chromosomed bloodstreams. Should any of these be quoted subtly or directly in real life, I will deny it through and through till the day my constipated sense of LOGIC ceases to exist.
Thy has been warned.

I found my old Drama class' Reader's Theatre performance due to one link in one particular class president of mine's Youtube account. He knows who he is. *smirk*
I won't say who, but you can give the credits directly to the boss himself.

Btw, my group is Quotes for Marriage and I'm the dude who married 4 chicks who ended up being bestfriends way back. *sigh* the practices were horrendously tiring.
But well-spent.

I didn't know these were on Youtube. Personally, I hardly care.
But seeing these people again made me feel sorta nostalgic. I do have some sort of fond remembrance towards that one year spent with these lot. And I deny getting a bit choked up at the sight of Amelia and Irene. I deny it all. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Memories can be jogged back and once I see their faces, I can remember their names and their characters. Granted, I don't have that much memories with them to begin with.
Other than Amelia and Irene, that is.

I wonder how they're doing at their respective places right now.

I miss them so much.

I don't know what good will this do in my private blog since neither me,Amelia, nor Irene were that much in it considering we're a private bunch and we keep to ourselves. We have our own files of memories that none of these people knew or see and we like it that way.

Regardless, these people have been in my life however short and easily forgotten it was. I suppose that in itself deserves a place. However unattached it may be.


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