I will revert to the one who had zero fucks to give. What a wise choice it is.

Oh, hello, young beautiful readers.
As you can see from the title, I have devised a strategic and wonderful plan filled with youthful determination to revert myself to the old me who had zero fucks to give. No, I do not need your opinion nor do I want it, but if you are curious to the reasons, you may stay and listen. And remember, whatever it is you have to say, I will smile and politely react with sentences along the lines of "pardon me good person but I do not give a fuck.".

I will hear a lot of words from such  reactions such as "immature", "childish", "stupid", "naive", "bitch", "asshole", "annoying", etc etc.
But worry not, for I do not give a fuck.
Ah, I can feel the tension and stress slipping away from my bones already.
What a wise choice it was, wasn't it? :))

You see, I was a happy and content child. I gave no fucks to everything that wasn't important and I was happy. By no means I was ignorant of the issues, I simply chose to acknowledge it and do not give a fuck about it. It was glorious.

Then, we all know what happened, don't we? Life.

Adults demand that I give a fuck. Peers demand I give a fuck. Even strangers and the whole fucking society demand me to give a fuck. They tell me life will be hard and lonely if I don't give a fuck. They tell me to prepare for the worst if I don't give a fuck.
And I believed them.

But now, I have come to my senses.
Oh, do not be alarmed. I shall not be a brat and suddenly refuse to do my part in this world, heavens no. I know there are little truths in the web of despair humans create.
In fact, I shall do both, that is handle my responsibilities and burdens while retaining not to give a fuck when it comes to my private nobody's-fucking-business life.

Really, now. 
What I do with my virginity or my love life or my future love life is hardly anyone's fucking business. Isn't there a line you weren't supposed to cross in one's polite conversation?
Swearing and cursing doesn't make the conversation vulgar, you know.
The discussion of one's genitals pertaining another, on the other hand, DOES.

You really think that by saying how I'll live alone for the rest of my life will somehow make me, oh I don't know, give a fuck? Oh hon. What a sad, sad life you live.
I feel no attraction to other humans. At least, not yet.
Perhaps if that human is to respect (maybe even support) my choices regarding the private things I choose to do in my private life, he'd stand a fighting chance.
And of course, it's no surprise that I shall do the same to him.

We are, after all, civilized society of human beings, are we not?
Hmmm...perhaps I shouldn't have jinxed that.
It's sad that we don't see much civilization around much anymore.
It's all just hate, hate, hate, disrespect, hate, hate, hate, and more hate.

And so it begins, my wonderful journey of giving no fucks regarding my private life.
Maybe I'll build myself a safe room, a sanctuary, where I can go and read and draw in write in peace to calm myself whenever a moron tries to invalidate my private choices.
It's challenging, to live in a world where morons speak freely, but I shall pertain.
Patience is a virtue.

My temper is something I must carefully mold and contain.
I must not let my rage control me for the simplest things morons say or do.
Regret and guilt is not worth it.

Oh, look! A book of torture and blood-filled works of the damned!
Excuse me, I must engage myself in that calming and beautiful book of art.

Have a good day. :))


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