It's Going Good :)

Hey y'alls.

It's week 5 and midterm breaks is 3 days away. Everyone is geared up for home, me decidedly less enthusiastic. Not to say I don't miss it, just that the feeling is mixed with dread is all. It'll be extremely great to see my family again though. And the cats and Mr Poopie.

Tests and quizzes will be right after breaks and that's meant to keep us on our toes. LOL
Classes have been awesome, Literature in particular making its way to my most favored of all. 
Linguistics can be more understandable and entertaining if I take the textbook and read it in my own peace and quiet -possibly the library, where I can get more research should I need to.
Edu Foundations serves to be more of a memorise-notes kinda subject. 

For Lit, though, I am absolutely in love with.
Although I feel like it'll be the death of me one day. *snorts*
It's the only place where the books I read gets recognition and be useful. The Book of Life by Will Schwalbe, Mr Mercedes by Stephen King, The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult, etc etc.
Where my references makes sense, instead of just going over everyone's head.

It gives me satisfaction and contentment and pleasure to no end.
But of course, with such high positive effect, the opposite would have to be dreadful just as well.

We started on our short stories today, and it's just my luck that the first breaker would have a paedophilic undertone of the rape culture. *shakes head* Just my luck indeed.
I'd like to say I did quite well, managing to keep my breaths steady and my heartbeat slow. 
It was up to the point where the lecturer pointed out that he (the main character) relishes in overpowering and asserting his control over the little girl that I needed to take a breather.
So I did.

I didn't even need that long, thank God.
I went outside and paced, just to get my heartbeat back to normal and my breaths even. 3-5 minutes later, I went back inside. They've moved on to the next point, thankfully.
The rest of the day was uneventful.

Btw, I'd like to mention how fond and attached I already am to my roomie. She's a very good listener, quiet and peaceful, and we have really good educational talks to help with our social problems of each. I'd like to keep her for the next 4 years while I'm here, please.
And we're of the same state! xD
Can't get any luckier than that. 

Also, perhaps my brighter side of perception is influenced by the steady state of my love life. I'm not saying anything specifics or anything, just that it may or may not be the case.
After all, it's been so long I've given and receive that kind of love.
We're reaching a half a year mark, and I'm hoping to see an anniversary. In that amount of time, he and I have fought, distanced ourselves from each other, and have gone over a few rough patches. I've never fought to keep someone this bad before, and I hope he feels the same.

I did say something about having someone something worth fighting for,
didn't I?

(p/s: Although be warned, there's nothing definite yet of this relationship. I'm just seeing where this leads, and have no pre-conceptions whatsoever society or whatever or whoever the hell may have.) 


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