Take a break from Heart

I'm planning a day of exploring and adventure tomorrow, or today, actually, looking at the time. Not first thing in the morning like I would've liked to because I regretfully have stupid co-curriculum stuff but at least it's only couple of hours at asscrack in the morning so it doesn't cut into the day all that much. After that, I'm bolting it.


I'm gonna see cats.
And play with cats.
Surround myself with cats.
Like a therapy with cats.

PALAM don't got any cats (like a lucky charm that's only found if you go on a sacred journey and fulfill a grand quest to save the world) and somehow this morning (well, yesterday morning but whatever) I just thought, I need to see (and possibly touch) some cats or I'm gonna go crazy. You can say it's a random thought that popped in.
That I will most definitely impulsively follow.
Because cats.

It'll probably seem jarring what I'm writing right now compared to the recent previous post about work and all but, respectfully, this and that are two different things.
For now, I haven't got any immediate work and the ones I have needed my groupmates to be present and they all are going home for the weekends, so. 
With that in mind, I figure I should settle things for stuff outside of work and brain.

Some things have been reminding me of Thomas lately and I can't reason them out of my head once one memory is resurrected. Like the Death Eaters when they found out Voldemort was still alive. I can't deal. Since I got time appropriately, let's deal.
With cats, because cats are cure to everything except fur allergies.

This Stony fic (Deep in the Heart of Me) started it all.
I blame it. It's super good and I fucking love it but I also don't. 
Hits too fuckin' close to home.

It got me in a funk, is all I'm saying. And I'm kinda struggling with climbing back out of that funk so, I'm making efforts. Therefore, adventures. 

Imma go out and explore and adventure and be worried of more important things rather than stupid memories that has no use to me like getting lost and meeting weird people and seeing new places that's just opened up and whatnot.
Not that I'm planning to get lost but it does happen to me sometimes and I learned to sorta just flow with it. Be a decent traveller and all that.

As always, I'd be going alone.
Don't get me wrong, I did ask out some people, but they weren't available, so.
Not that I mind, I've always been fine with just me and it's probably for the better, anyway, since I'm trying to let go and breathe out some stupid heart-emotions-related things.

I also miss home a lot.


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