Stormy weather

It's a sad day.
I miss them. Mom and dad and sis and nephew and baby bro and baby sis and Amelia and Irene.
I miss him.
It doesn't make sense, since we are not apart by heart, only in physical context, yet still it's there.
Yeah I know I'm whining. Doesn't change the fact that I miss them though. And him.

I've drawn, and written. A little afraid to sleep in case I hate to wake.
It's cold with no warmth in sight.

Work is tedious. Work is stressful.
Work is, for once, nothing enjoyable.

I don't want to be afraid. So I won't.
But still I'll say it, how much I miss them.
I hope the coming bookcamp will be fun. The people and strangers might be overwhelming, but at least they bring books with them. And with that, there should be enough excitement of talks of books.

I don't want to curl in my blanket and sleep. I'll forget about the rest of the world, and right now, I can't do that. Even as I hate work right now, and there's nothing enjoyable about them, it's a hurdle everyone makes on daily basis. I'm just whining like a dumb baby. Pick up a band-aid and get over it.

I was just getting better, but maybe for tonight, I don't have to.
Would that be weak?

I should write more happy things. Wallowing will do me no good.
I like the rain. But the thunder scares me today.

I miss them.
I miss home.


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