
Last night is the best dream ever.I slept at 5:15 am last night,after onlining and reading so much DBSK fanfics.It is very usual of me that every time I tumbled upon some great fanfics of former or present DBSK,I will cry or laugh to my insanity actions,depends on what I feel when I'm reading.Last night I read a sad fanfic,telling a story of the present DBSK,which has now turned into TVXQ and JYJ.
The fanfic tells that our Appa(YunHo) feels guilty for not defending their group when our Omma(JaeJoong),Sui'e(JunSu) and Chunnie(YooChun) filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment Corporation,whilst he was alone with Minnie(ChangMin) and desperately asked Minnie to blame him.Minnie,who was at the time,also feeling very distressed of his beloved hyungs dissapearance,yelled at Appa while crying.He expected for Appa to yell back at him,but he didn't,instead,Appa smiled and just nodded in his every sentence.In desperation,Minnie called for his hyungs.
Meanwhile,JYJ was having a live concert in Japan,and Omma at the time,was feeling very lonely and he misses his YunHo and his maknae very dearly that he keeps imagining their voices and their action habits when performing.For instance,he remembers that YunHo always hugs his back when they were in the dressing room before performance and soothes his nervousness with calming voices,and Minnie will eat something whenever they have some time free,he imagined that he was hearing their voices when they sat down in their SUV and he thought that he really heard them but he couldn't bring himself to turn his head backwards,because he knew that no one would be there.
Sui'e and Chunnie knew their Jae-hyung has never shed even a tear in fornt of them,because their Yun-hyung had once told him to never cry without his presence to sooth him.But when they were performing on stage,Chunnie realises that his Omma keeps tilting his head to his right..Like when he always did when they were still five..Because their Appa always stands on his right..Then,right after they finished their performance,Omma remembers that his YunHo always do their group hug..And his tears starts to dwell up in his eyes,he pulls his two sons closer and hugs them,even without two pairs of arms missing,two bodies missing..Thus,in their group hug,his tears fell one by one,rythmically...
Chunnie and Sui'e were surprised when their Omma pulled a group hug,because the only one that does that all the time,is their Appa..They realised the tears formed on the floor belongs to their Omma,and felt surprised indeed..For once,their Omma breaks a promise with their Appa.
In JYJ's SUV,Chunnie's phone rang.He wanted to reject the call because it was interrupting his private talk with Sui'e but stopped instantly after saw the caller's ID."Chang Min".
He hears Minnie yells,his yells is mixed with sobs..Chunnie pressed the 'loudspeaker' button to let Sui'e hears Minnie too,Jae can't hear because he sits in front fo the SUV,and Minnie yells..Minnie is desperate,stressed,because he doesn't like it when his Appa told him to blame him,nope,he doesn't like it at all.He yells,why can't they come here and beat his pathetic Appa to reality,why can't they come here and soothes their loneliness,mixed with sobs and tears on the phone.Sui'e grabbed the phone from Chunnie's hand and shouted,"IF WE COULD EVER FLY TO YOUR PLACE RIGHT NOW MINNIE WE WOULD BECAUSE WE WANT TO DELIVER THIS CRYING JAE-HYUNG TO YUN-HYUNG THIS INSTANT!!!!!!!!" and hanged up on poor Minnie.Chunnie was taken aback by Sui'e's actions,as it is the first time he saw the most happy-go-lucky member in the band got so worked up..But he knew,in Sui'e's words,no lies was told..
Minnie slumped on his door."Jae-hyung's crying..?".He thought.And his tears ran free and wild on his hot burning cheeks..In the memories of his hyungs,especially his Jae-omma who always cooked for him..YunHo lied on the bed that belongs to JaeJoong.It has been so long since they left the apartment that they used to live together.The five of them.He cried in silence for his cowardness,if only he stopped them from rebels of course they would still be together as five right now,if only..."ring,ring!!"..His phone rang.He glanced at the caller's ID and picked it up as quick as possible when he saw the name "JaeJoong" on it.He heard the sweet voice of DBSK's former lead singer swaying through his eardrum.They talked,Appa disgorged everything he felt on the older man,letting go everything he felt throughout their dissapearance by his side.Feeling very comfortable with tthe older man,the comfort that no one in this world could ever replace..He misses him..Terribly..
Omma hugs the pillow between his legs while talking swiftly to the other man on his line.He talked,trying so hard not to sound like he had just cried his eyes out.They talked,and talked,until it was getting late,and they finally decided to hang up eventhough both are very reluctant on letting the phone off.
Thus,if you want to know what did they talked about,please subscribe to where you will find numerous of incredible fanfics that will draw your tears dry.
Until next time,annyeong~~


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