nee-san,ur purse!!!!

Hahahaha~~~!!! man,it was funny!! Know what? my nee-san is getting older and older every day!(right,and if anyone ever gets younger by day,i'm totally nuts..) here's the story...

My family is going back to Pasir Puteh to visit my grandma,which me and my sis generally objects because we don't really like to travel,not even going outta house.Frankly,even going to school is quite reluctant..hahaha~~..We went off in about 10-11 am from our house,and I was relieved that my two brothers get left behind because they would just be a nuisance in the car.Besides,they were the one who volunteered to happily skip the family visit with fishing/playing activities,i don't give a shit what do they wanna do just leave me alone for a day then i'd be grateful enough.
The things is,on our way go,nee-san suddenly remembered that she doesn't have her purse with her.The purse that contains her ID card,money,bank cards,family pictures and stuffs.She started to get panic,and she was like,"oh my god oh my god oh my god where the hell is my purse!!!! aagghhh!!! una,do u noe how DEAD I am if I lost the stinking purse????!!!! we gotta get back my purse!!! MY PURSE!!!!" and that,I started to get panic as well.
(whispering in minimum voice,afraid that mom n dad will hear us)
me:nee-san,oojitsuke yo!!! try remember,if ur purse isn't on the car,maybe u left it at home!
nee-san:yeah,it's ok if I left it INSIDE the house but what if I left it OUTSIDE the house??!! it might get stolen!!!
me:that depends!! let's try looking for it again in the car,maybe it's inside ur bag at the back!
nee-san:are u nuts???!! I didn't brought ANY bags!!!
me:where did u stand the last time u hold it???
nee-san:near the car!! I was standing beside the front door when I last took hold of it!!
me:maybe.....the car....
nee-san:on no no no no no...oh shit..
me:"oh shit" alright.It's deep shit for YOU if it's not there.
nee-san:Quick!! try and take a look on top of the car right above your head!!
me:but the car's moving! Dad's still driving,remember??!! it might've fallen off when we rode on the hill just now!
nee-san:how do you know when you haven't seen it yet??!! Go!! Look it up through your window!! (while praying silently "oh please let it be there,please please please please God..)
me:*sighing heavily*,ok,I'll take a look.
So I opened the window and put half of my upper body out to see the top of the car.I glanced on my right,"nope.Nothing's here".The wind was quite strong because dad is still driving.
Then I turned my head to my left and BANG!!!!
I quickly grabbed it with my other free hand while my other hand holds the window seat so that when dad makes a turn,I won't fall off the car and die.After getting a good grip at it,I lowered my upper body from the window and successfully got back in the car.
So? Enthusiastic right? hehehe,post a comment when you read this one!! xDD


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