back as a 'family'.

Well,it's currently 4:19 a.m in my room,my house,Tanah Merah town,Kelantan district,Malaysia.
Nothing personal,just had the urge to update my blog before it's completely forgotten.
Current music playing,B.U.T(Be.Au.Ty) by HoMin(TVXQ).I love Chang Min.x3
 .......I suppose that's enough for foreword..*sigh*

Maa,to start it off I had a nice evening today.I went to PT-Pantai Timur which is located near my house,beside my school with my neighbour,Amani.She's turning thirteen next year but she's almost as tall as I am.

Seriously,am I growing shorter??

I went to check out some new anime DVD release which unfortunately does not taste to my liking.  -not sure I pronounced that right.-

This week's my last part-time job because it's the last week of school.Means mom and dad won't be needing babysitting service after school ended.Means my last payday.
Well,I suppose it's not half as bad as it looks.

Had some new anime on must-watch list,also recommended by Syaf-Baka to Test Shokanjuu and Crown something(I don't remember the title.).Thanks dude.Ah,also downloaded new song - Neverland by U-Kiss.It's cool,and catchy,the way I like it.

I went to KB-Kota Bharu last week to meet some friends.That includes you Azer,and Ming2,Sherry,Q,Imran(sadly),Izzat,Faiz,and most importantly my wife,Azwa.
I was dumbfounded when she turned to me seconds after I tapped lightly on her shoulder in the library I had missed terribly.

God she is SO beautiful.

Other than my sister,she is like the most beautiful lady I've ever stumbled upon my life.

No,no,beautiful is nowhere near to describe her perfectly smooth loveliness.
3 years,Azwa has grown into the most.....lovely lady anyone have ever set eyes on.It doesn't even have to take 10 years or more.

But Faqie was nowhere in sight.She didn't come.Fine,if that retarded spoiled princess of mine's too lazy to come to me,then I will come to her.Azwa asked me to her house right after school,so I agreed.We stopped at Faqie's house - since their houses were close.

It was big,when we came in there was a garden in the living room.Holy crap I jumped out of surprise.There were plants all around the corner in the house,it's like a tropical chalet or a hotel's lobby.Luxurious one.

I gawked.

But at the same time relieved that my princess had a good financial support.Azwa called her while pushing me behind her.It's gonna be a surprise.

When I walked from Azwa's back,I can see the change on her face.This time,she gawked.
We didn't hugged.Didn't pull into each's embrace.She pulled my hands into her house and the three of us talked like adults in her living room.But still as a 'family'.

Faqie is in a new relationship with her cousin's friend.Azwa and I approved,just as long she takes care of herself and not being too weak with him.As long as she remaines safe and unhurt.

We talked,and chatted for a few hours.Then I had to go home to my uncle's house.So I did.
I went home the next day.


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