Akiramenai!!!! (>0<)/

Zettai akiramenain dakara,hottoite o!!!! DDDDxxx
*Translation --> (I won't give up!!! No matter what I won't give up so,leave me alone!!!! DDDDxxx)

*Forgive the sudden opening burst.*

Of course,I did say that we could be friends as long as he keeps his line between friendship and beyond.
And I also told him outright that he shouldn't try anything funny because I know his current girlfriend.I tried my best to think positive and take his flirts as casual words that I exchange everyday with my other guys but,I strongly advise him to never cross my patience.
I admit,sometimes I myself gets carried away,
especially when I am tired and at my vulnerable moments of defence.But I am determined.

I will NOT make the same mistake twice.
There's an idiom,"once bitten twice shy" which is the perfect idiom I would use right now.

No matter how hard he try to get back together with me,I shall not lower my defences! (>^<)/
I already know what kind of a guy he is,and I never have given him my full trust.
I am glad I didn't,given that he did not appreciate me after I accepted him.I was very glad and content for a long time after we broke up than I have ever been since we dated.
He didn't want me,he just wanted the adventure of tackling me.And after he got me,the fun is over which was why I presumed our relationship got instantly on edge.

He's using the same tactics to get me back and hell no it ain't workin'.
Sorry pal,you had your chance.I forgave you and we're in great state as friends.Please don't blow it off.



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