So troublesome...(-_-)

firstly,I don't get why am I dragged into this problem.(-___-")
Nor why did I still care even though I clearly think it's troublesome to meddle.
Love problems are practically the LAST thing I'd want to be involved in right now.Can't they just solve it on their own?? (well,if they could do it,I wouldn't have to be troubled by it anymore by now.)
Their problem was not something I'm  interested in,my usual way of dismissing it would be,"it's none of my business." but when she asked...Well,it kind of triggered my protective instinct a bit.

Can't help it now,can I?

Anita(not real name) ,after all,IS a friend..The ones who are to blame indeed both Anita and Arata(also not real name) but mostly it's Arata.
Honestly,at first I wouldn't want to give a damn whatever their problem is although it's obvious that Anita is helpless against the little sonofabitch.
But then she finally had to ask for my help,and I was reluctant for a while before I agreed.Arata wasn't so bad when he's not causing troubles for the class,we were on good terms before he decided to ruin it.

I wish Anita would toughen up and stand up for herself.

I mean,didn't I taught her enough how to kick a guy's ass? She's letting Arata does whatever he wants with her life,as if playing puppets have never been this fun.
Frankly,Anita had too many guy friends and I know I'm not in the right place to say that but at the very least,she should be able to know a guy's intentions before befriending him.
Can't say I blame her for not knowing absolutely anything about guys since she doesn't have any in her family. *making exasperated face*

What a draggg....(-___-")

But if she keeps succumbing to every Arata's words,I can't help her.Nothing I do would help her if she doesn't help herself first.
Sure I can beat the guy senseless.Sure I can humiliate him in public.I can even call backups if he wants to put up a big fight.But none of it would help Anita if she keeps coming back to him when he calls.
I know how to hurt him,by hurting Anita,he would probably back out.
Of course,there is another way to hurt him.not physically,that is.If he's so hung up on Anita,then only Anita have the effects on him.
Which is easier for me.If I hurt Anita(emotionally) and blame it on Arata,she'll probably hate him so much she wouldn't even glance his way anymore.

*sigh* This would all be so much easier if I could just beat the damn sonofabitch to oblivion.
(_ _")


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