Dislike. (T_____T)
It's not like I don't care,but it's annoying to be disregarded.(T^T) Sure,Nee-san had lots of suitors before and most of them didn't even last for a fuckin' year. Never mind the exception. I don't know how I got that feeling if someone is alright or not,it doesn't come with a manual,call it a sixth sense or whatever but I just.don't.friggin'.like.the.dudes. It seems like I have an antennae for any dudes who have an inch of non-friendship feelings for Onee-san wherever they are. I don't call my predictions superior,but so far they've proven to be accurate. And my antennae+predictions tell me that these new guys are somewhat close to bullshit.Maybe good for short-playful terms. I don't care if Mom likes one of them.They could have tea together in one evening for all I care.The only thing I could feel from them is the thing that spells T.R.O.U.B.L.E. Maybe I'm being paranoid.So what? I feel what I feel. And from that,I predict....