Tanoshikatta~ XD

During my stay at KB for 5 days,it was a lot of fun. XDD
For the first 3 days of my stay at the PSPN Centre's hostel,I met Lyana,Anis and Wahyu.

I met Lyana before,at the NILAM district competition and she was glad to see that someone she knew ended up there with her.
3 days together at the hostel seemed like we've known for a month.Hahaha~ I suppose being together 24-hours does that to you. 
After I won 2nd place,I thought about staying a little longer,to have a chance to meet Qie,Wa and possibly Azer too.Plus,my classes were canceled for 2 days.
It was a bit of an effort,to persuade Mom and Dad to let me stay,but it worked.My uncle lend me a place to stay for the night.^^

As it was,I met Qie.
She was as lovely and cute as she had always been.She hasn't changed a bit.
My princess.
I got her to stay at my place for a fortnight,though it was a bit of a fight.She was never allowed to stay anywhere outside of her house,even to her granparents',so that complicates things.
We watched animes(her laptop was full with 'em.It was heaven. xD) until she fell asleep on my back.She was never one to stay up late.*laughs* 

The next day,I made an appointment(it was actually a date.Muahahaha~ kidding! xP) with Azer at Taman Tengku Anis.I don't even know where that place is.*roll eyes*
It was fun. xD
I saw deers,and talked a lot of stuff with Azer.It's been so long I had a chat with my BFF,what with our hectic schedules and all.Though I was supposed to go home that day,my stay was prolonged due to some factors.
So I slept at Qie's place that night,"to make it even",she says.*laughs* 
Her parents and siblings know me before so it wasn't that awkward.We were up all night,me reading her comic books and she watching anime on her laptop on my legs.We didn't talk much,but the silence was indifferent.
It seems like words were not needed at the moment.*smiles*

I didn't get to meet Wa,though.
She was busy due to her class schedules.I was kinda dissapointed,but there's still another time.There always will be.

I also passed Syaf's and Sarah's current school,MRSM PC.
It looked awesome. Xd
Sarah was lucky.
She did requested me to come and visit her on 21st,when the SPM results were out.And I did think about it for a while,but didn't have the chance.
I had no ride,and she said the school was bound to be busy with the SPM students taking their results.
Though I DID want to go.Pretty badly.*sigghh*
Kinda missed the little brat.I wanna see how she's holding up with the new surroundings too.Hope she was doing alright.

Well,that's it.
Oh,btw,Nee-san came home with two new books.
A Jodi Picoult and a new author.
Can't wait to start reading! x3

mata aemashou,kitto.


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