Dislike. (T_____T)

It's not like I don't care,but it's annoying to be disregarded.(T^T)
Sure,Nee-san had lots of suitors before and most of them didn't even last for a fuckin' year.Never mind the exception.
I don't know how I got that feeling if someone is alright or not,it doesn't come with a manual,call it a sixth sense or whatever but I just.don't.friggin'.like.the.dudes.
It seems like I have an antennae for any dudes who have an inch of non-friendship feelings for Onee-san wherever they are.
I don't call my predictions superior,but so far they've proven to be accurate.

And my antennae+predictions tell me that these new guys are somewhat close to bullshit.Maybe good for short-playful terms.
I don't care if Mom likes one of them.They could have tea together in one evening for all I care.The only thing I could feel from them is the thing that spells T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
Maybe I'm being paranoid.So what?
I feel what I feel.
And from that,I predict.

Besides,from what I see,
being with any of these dudes aren't making Nee-san happy.
And that's the only thing I care.
She's happy being friends with them,and I'm okay with that,but the thing is,it's not the same with them.See,that's gonna cause problems in the future.
Why waste time with stuffs that's only cause you headaches?
The only thing I want is for her to be happy.If that one factor can't be provided,then to hell anyone who wants her.


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