Initially,I'd like to write about that ghost I 'met' last night but it didn't matter now. xD
Sword Art Online,or known as SAO.
[Kirito & Asuna]
I think Syaf recommended it to me last year,or was it Guilty Crown
Wait,it's Guilty Crown,right..Well,I hadn't got to it yet so maybe later.After another exam.hehe~ (=v=")

I just finished my exam so I've got no homeworks nor any subjects to review.Which means plenty of time to fool around.Muahahahaha~
Just kiddin'.I've got at least just a few hours.Blargh. XPP
I was strollin' through the usual manga website to see some new updates.I paused when I see the SAO 'completed' sign and I dunno what pushed me to do it,but what the heck,it seems like a great story.*shrug*
Plus,the line is freakin' great at the moment.
And yeah,I finished up to ep.10 in 5 hours.I've wanted to watch it a long time ago but forgotten due to hectic schedule.
And it's time issue too.Time,time,time....(=________=)

At the end of ep.10,Kirito asked Asuna to marry him.
[OMGEEEEE~~~~ >3]
I mean,who wouldn't want the oh-so-hot Kirito as a husband? he has the intelligence,the behaviour,the love,the looks,what else? xDD
Well,I hope to finish SAO in these short few hours.After this,I won't guarantee there will be any time.At least until another exam.
Muahahahahaha~ (=w=)


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