Deadline Week (Typical Human-Problem Situation)

Next two days begins the final week for submitting papers, assignments, and presentations. After that it's study week for 5-6 days and then Finals. This week has been rushing enough lol

I called Mom and Dad to see if I should go home for study week but I'm still kind of on the nose about it. I doubt there'd be much studying going on at home, but I'm hesitating to spend that much days at college for no reason. Roomie has already decided she's going back home so if I decide the latter, I'd be alone for nearly a week.
Might get a little stir-crazy, even for me.

Maybe I could spend them at a nearby friend's place? Nah.
Too much trouble on both sides.

Reminded that school was over for teachers, I've been calling home more frequently than before because I know that all of them would be at home anyways. I love that it gets rowdy when my call was in good timing like when they're all in the kitchen together or something.
It brings a familiar feeling.

Except for every time the state of my non-existent love life gets into question and dragged into discussion. Lol sorry Mom, no real dudes in my life except for the fictional ones you probably won't accept as son-in-laws haha (read : one Han JuMin)

I'm getting by with routines of my study schedules with the help of Jack, Mark, and Dan&Phil's videos. They rejuvenate me after dealing with my classmates whom I admit not to have stored much patience at this point.
One or two of them are tolerable and I may even be slightly fond of, but the rest of them grates my patience thinner and thinner after every single day. Getting into my room after class ends for the day is becoming more and more of a blessing than just a breather.

I'm considering to change groups next semester, just to get away.
If everything goes well, it might come true.

For the mean time, my focus is plenty on my study and my fandoms.
I don't quite much care for real people at this point and I might even be confused as how to react to one by now so Mom's gonna have to continuously be disappointed with that side of my life right now lol. 

I'm fine with dating, sure, but "husband" is pushing it a bit too far, Mom. No, I do not want anyone you're thinking of, past, present, and future. I'd rather for the person I'm gonna have to tolerate with until I die be the person of my choice. Mom and Dad will always be my priority though 'cause as I've said before, it ain't my "husband" who gave birth to me and raised me so they can fuck off on the right end of the earth lol

Nope, don't say it. I am very well aware how childish and immature that sounds. Y'all gonna sound like my Ma when you say it anyway. Regardless, my priority is my priority (shrug).
Y'all don't HAVE to like it or even agree with it 'cause I don't give a shit what y'all think.

I might change my mind in the future, I might not, who the hell knows?

I'm not seeing anyone capable of dealing with me in the near future and I myself aren't seeing me being capable of dealing with anyone now and in the near future so, 
moot po~int. Haha


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