End of Field Experience
I finished the Field Experience course at exactly yesterday, 16th of Feb 2017, 2.00 p.m.
The last day of being a ROS teacher at my old highschool was spent just me walking around the school looking for my ex teachers to properly say goodbye and give my thanks.
Of course it wasn't only for my ex teachers but I did sort of went out of my way to visit their office rooms and one time, I had to interrupt a class so that I wouldn't miss them.
I'm pretty sure I missed some of the teachers though, because they were busy with classes and grading notebooks for monthly check-ups but, well, I tried my best, so.
Pardon my gross incompetence. *bows*
Now, looks like it's work time for me. I still have to write a shit ton of things like the ROS report, the 10 page paper, and preparing the slides for group presentation. Although admittedly, there's no progress on the last bit since I've yet to ask anyone for group members. Geh. 😑😒💧💧
Well, work is work.
Though it's definitely stressful, I don't mind it because it's good to prevent my mind from overthinking unnecessary shit.
It'll just create hallucinatory problems for me anyway.
Whining about work is nothing more than an annoyance about effort because of my lazy nature is all. Like Kenma, haha. I wish I had his genius but without the anxiety.
I don't need his anxiety lol I've got my own.
Even so, my 2 weeks at SMK TM (1) as a trainee teacher was much better than I expected. Last Monday, we had a NILAM launching programme and there were a lot of activities like the book exhibition from a moving bookstore, student's performance ceremony, and the promotion from our local librarians with extra activities for the Form 1 students. 😄😆👌
There weren't any PdP session that day because teachers were encouraged to take students to the exhibition during the sessions so, naturally, that's where I come in.
My schedule the whole day was to accompany and facilitate my mentor's classes as they were at the exhibition at the halls and there was little to do except sit and watch.
My mentor was with me all the time and because she has always been a cheery, outgoing, and talkative person, she began to make conversations with the bookstore guy.
There were two dudes managing the exhibition, one in particular, I thought was cute.
I sat beside her as she talks away with him occasionally chipping in and asking questions. Generally, I just listened because I had no input to contribute to the flow.
Then suddenly, my mentor turned to me and started to include me in the conversation, which made him turn his attention to me. I try not to look at him as I speak, though I did glance his way when he adds on to my piece.
It was normal, in all consideration. *shrug*
Out of nowhere, she introduced me like, "This is my ex student, she's training under me for 2 weeks and she's single. She's just turning, what, 20" and turned to me "21? yeah, 21. Are YOU single? How old are you?" and I was absolutely mortified. 😣😓😖
The dude just laughed(also uncomfortably, thank God) and answered her questions chastely. I was embarrassed af I didn't even try hiding it omg.
I didn't take it in a bad way though, she probably didn't mean any harm, and I managed to just laugh it off while playfully whining for her to stop it.
Afterwards, the dude and I talked a bit about small things here and there, nothing out of particular context. When the exhibition was over and school was ending, I left with my mentor and he got back to work with putting away the book samples and getting ready to leave.
I didn't look back and neither did he called out to me, so everything was good. 😅💨
It was fun. ^^
I could've done without the embarrassing part but hey, no big deal, right? lol
Besides, it's not every day I get to talk with a cute guy from a bookstore.It's practically my dream to meet my life partner in a book-filled environment hahaha. And it's not like we'll ever see each other again in the future either, so. Meh.*shrug*
Back to reality, I should start with typing up my assignments soon. Since I only have 2 weeks to get them done before 3rd term starts this March.
Oh, and I just got my Finals result today. I didn't do too badly but my overall CGPA went down a few inch than last term so I'm a bit down. At least I don't have to retake any subjects though so thank God for that.
Finally, my birthday's coming 'round the corner, but it's not like I expect anything more than it to be like another normal day as any other day. It's more like I'm the one who needs to give something special to Mom for giving birth to me, in any case.
The last day of being a ROS teacher at my old highschool was spent just me walking around the school looking for my ex teachers to properly say goodbye and give my thanks.
Of course it wasn't only for my ex teachers but I did sort of went out of my way to visit their office rooms and one time, I had to interrupt a class so that I wouldn't miss them.
I'm pretty sure I missed some of the teachers though, because they were busy with classes and grading notebooks for monthly check-ups but, well, I tried my best, so.
Pardon my gross incompetence. *bows*
Now, looks like it's work time for me. I still have to write a shit ton of things like the ROS report, the 10 page paper, and preparing the slides for group presentation. Although admittedly, there's no progress on the last bit since I've yet to ask anyone for group members. Geh. 😑😒💧💧
Well, work is work.
Though it's definitely stressful, I don't mind it because it's good to prevent my mind from overthinking unnecessary shit.
It'll just create hallucinatory problems for me anyway.
Whining about work is nothing more than an annoyance about effort because of my lazy nature is all. Like Kenma, haha. I wish I had his genius but without the anxiety.
Look at how adorable he is, this cute little stray kitten xDD |
There weren't any PdP session that day because teachers were encouraged to take students to the exhibition during the sessions so, naturally, that's where I come in.
My schedule the whole day was to accompany and facilitate my mentor's classes as they were at the exhibition at the halls and there was little to do except sit and watch.
My mentor was with me all the time and because she has always been a cheery, outgoing, and talkative person, she began to make conversations with the bookstore guy.
There were two dudes managing the exhibition, one in particular, I thought was cute.
This bashful face depicts it perfectly x3 |
Then suddenly, my mentor turned to me and started to include me in the conversation, which made him turn his attention to me. I try not to look at him as I speak, though I did glance his way when he adds on to my piece.
It was normal, in all consideration. *shrug*
Out of nowhere, she introduced me like, "This is my ex student, she's training under me for 2 weeks and she's single. She's just turning, what, 20" and turned to me "21? yeah, 21. Are YOU single? How old are you?" and I was absolutely mortified. 😣😓😖
The dude just laughed
I didn't take it in a bad way though, she probably didn't mean any harm, and I managed to just laugh it off while playfully whining for her to stop it.
Afterwards, the dude and I talked a bit about small things here and there, nothing out of particular context. When the exhibition was over and school was ending, I left with my mentor and he got back to work with putting away the book samples and getting ready to leave.
I didn't look back and neither did he called out to me, so everything was good. 😅💨
It was fun. ^^
I could've done without the embarrassing part but hey, no big deal, right? lol
Besides, it's not every day I get to talk with a cute guy from a bookstore.
Back to reality, I should start with typing up my assignments soon. Since I only have 2 weeks to get them done before 3rd term starts this March.
Oh, and I just got my Finals result today. I didn't do too badly but my overall CGPA went down a few inch than last term so I'm a bit down. At least I don't have to retake any subjects though so thank God for that.
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*hears KWAPOOSH noises in a distance and a loud green leprechaun yelling TOP O DA MORNIN TO YA LADDIES MA NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE* |
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