
Gah.I'm in the middle of Trial SPM.
Is it weird that I would have cravings now?Of course not.*roll eyes* It's perfectly understandable that I should crave those of which I cannot have for now.Because I'm HUMAN.And human craves what they cannot have.Even for now.

Which is to read.

No,I don't mean textbooks though those ARE the things I should be reading now,I meant the books I have just recently acquired from Popular.I swear we go there often enough the workers would have recognized us immediately.I would be one of those regular customers.My hands are practically itching to hold them.
Especially Elegy.It's the end of the Watersong series! Dx
How can I NOT itch to read it??!! DDXX
Oh God please speed up the time and get this whole SPM thing over with so that I can finally get my hands on those books.
They look so lonely and cold without me!!  


Isn't reading a noble past-time?? Why aren't I allowed to read?? Oh yeah,'cause Mom banned me from doing it until SPM's over.
Normally I don't really care about anything else whether or not I'm allowed to do them but this is READING and I devote more than half of my life to READING.*groans*
I've even planned on having my own mini library at home!
I think I'm having post-bibliophilic mood swings,whatever that is I just created out of sheer angstiness.
I thought mood swings are only on PMS.Bah.


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