Last Wishes

I sent a few early preparations of something like a last will last night to few who I consider precious to me in my life.It was nothing big,just some sorry-s and all that.Maybe it was a reaction from something that Mom said.
They're leaving for Hajji this Wednesday,leaving the house for me alone.Mukhlis and Mia will stay with my aunt,Muzakkir and Onee-san at their hostels.
A friend will come and stay with me on school nights with her parents' consent and Onee-san will come home with the kids during weekends.


Mom was dead worried about me staying home,even threatened to get me a freaking babysitter if I don't find someone to stay over with.
Thank God I did.
I'm okay with all this stuff,but watching Mom fusses over my safety kinda got me worried,too.The neighbourhood's not really that safe.I get why's she worried.

Well,my house HAD been broken into,twice.And so did my neighbour,once.Though nobody got hurt,we did lose some valuables.

So I thought,I should probably make a will or something,in case something unwanted happens the next two months.
I said 'the next two months' because it's the time that anything can happen,and I'm not 100% sure I could,y'noe,get out safely.Minimal protections,you could say.
Just in case,oh I don't know,the house got broken into again and it's worse this time because there's no adults around and just two adolescent girls alone in the house and the next day we(or me) become headlines for a paper about highschool girls victims of robbery or something.Hey,anything can happen.
I just,y'noe.Hate to think that I left without any goodbyes.

I'd want to leave with goodbyes.


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