
It's been 3 days since Mom and Dad went.As expected,I cried(wailed actually) just as soon as I got home.I managed to barely contain it when we send them off at the hotel,missed a few tears on the cheeks,deciding that it's better to do it in privacy.
When Mia cried for Mom,it was tugging at the water dams.

I suppose I was paranoid with their absence.I dreaded the day for months.And I dreaded the next 2 months also,imagining how weird it will be to have my routines scrambled to a more suitable schedule.It's already starting.
Having Dibah at home comes as a nice help.At least the presence of another living being calms me down.It relaxes me to know that I still have someone to take care of.Don't ask.
Muzakkir is still at home,he goes back to his hostel tomorrow.I can't say whether it's a plus or a minus having him here.
He's not really helpful with anything,but,that's practically expectable from any teenager boys his age.*roll eyes* teenagers.
I'm still jumpy about keeping the house safe and clean.Worried that I might miss something or done something wrong.Especially the cooking.
Oh,I CAN cook.It's just that I'd rather not to.I can,though,if the situation calls for it.Having to clean the kitchen often makes me feel protective of the area.
No staining my kitchen.
It's a habit Mom drilled into me.I'm the better cleaner,but Onee-san is definitely the better cooker.Though her cooking needs to be watched over in case she puts wasabi in it,if we ever have any at home.
C.zie comes over once in a while to take Mia's and Mukhlis's stuff.She said Mia's fine and haven't cried for Mom or Dad so far.She was told that they were at school.Mukhlis,on the other hand,is just peachy.He's beyond happiness,that one.Sheeeesssh.
After Muzakkir goes,Mashitah will come over on school nights.I guess that means I can lay off the cooking duty.Hehe

My schedule is still scrambled.I'll see if I can put things up into a better routine.And if things get too boring,I'm sure we'll find a way to pitch things up.
Like a slumber party.LOL
We're too stressed for that kind of thing right now,what with SPM a few weeks away.*sigh* wish us luck.


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