Ame na no da.

When I was a child,I could never speak much to people.
I preferred to keep silent in my groups and watched them exchange conversations instead.Sometimes I pay attention,and sometimes not at all.My peers,my groups,know that I don't talk much.
One question,one answer.
I like to speak in my books.But I couldn't write then,so I drew a lot.I had so many sketch books,uncountable doodle books,and immeasurable stray papers.

Of course,I didn't just magically start drawing okay.It started with little stick people which then grew shapes and hairs and faces and contours of bodies.My drawings are never nearly as good as Onee-san's,like all my talents are,but it gave me a way to run.
A place to hide.Before I could write,I could draw,and it was all I needed to speak.
And so is rain.
A stray thought glided through my subconscious sleep last night when I was starting to drive into oblivion.It was something of elements.


Onee-san and I have always been different.We're like the opposite poles of a magnet.That only explains why we're inseparable,because we're halves of a whole.If a magnet only has the South pole,it wouldn't be called entirely a magnet now would it?

Even though people say that firstborns' elements are usually the earth,but I think Onee-san's is the fire.Save the obvious fact of her temper,she is physically everything that I'm not.And it's kind of correct when people say that secondborns' elements are water.I don't know if we're equal,but I know that we're of one cycle.

And,oh,she's a dog person and I'm a cat person.
She heats what I froze,and I cools what she burned.

And yes,for those reasons also,sometimes I'm jealous of what she have that I don't.But it would never stay long because I have what she doesn't.Not much,granted,but still.
Just like in our make-believe stories that we created,her FG's and my CH's.Her main character was fire-element while mine was water-element.It didn't say much.I don't know about her but I've always liked water.
Has a thing for swimming and preferred cold than hot.If chosen a way to die,pretty sure I'd say I'd rather drown than burned.Also,I'm easy to warm while she's easy to cold.Plus I did dreamed of drowning last night.Vivid one too.
Could feel the water coming into the lungs,choking,and my nose hurts and then bliss.

On the inside,we're more alike than we think.
We agree on many things and let go the ones we don't because we know full well of our differences.And yes,we fight.
From those fights,I decided to leave her alone whenever she's cranky.Onee-san never needed much of the hugging and teary confessions(that was me),what she usually takes is calm and honest right-out facts.Sometimes lies,depends on situations.
And I have to agree.Lies would be better.


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