Cut It Up

sooo I was thinking,(don't strain yourself.)-oh,har de bloody har,shut up you stupid mind - maybe I should cut some slack on the coffee.Lately I've been having trouble sleeping.It's kinda weird,normally it does nothing to my sleep cycle.Maybe it's catching up in my system.
I miss Qie and Wa.I've started my driving lessons though I still have a long way to go.I promised Qie I'll come over soon as I get my license.Don't want to cut it too close to March,you see.There's not much time left.

Onee-san is going back this afternoon and God,please help me because that stupid shit will be schooling close to home which means he's either going to SMK TM1 or SMK TM2.God,grant me strength.Pretty sure I'll soon would rather blow my head than spend another minute under the same roof with him - that shit.

the Big Bad Wolf Book Festival was great! xDD
we bought tons of books and a pair of Big Bad Wolf tee-shirts.It's currently my favourite. x33 I'm down to two more books to finish my part.I finished At Sea's End last night,which explains a lot about that second dream I had.

Onee-san took Dr.Ruth Galloway's role but I was in it,too.And a guy that was likely my boyfriend though I couldn't be sure how long or how far we were.Judging from Onee-san's reactions around/with him,I'd say she approved. *snickers*
I had a nephew.He was so goddamn cute! xD He had curly auburn hair and he's a biter,like Onee-san when she was little(I heard from Mom.xP). Onee-san works as an archaeologist(like Dr.Ruth) so she had to run back and forth to the digging sites whenever a case turns up.I spend a lot of time with my nephew because she trusts no one other than me and I do enjoy spoiling him so much.^^
I had my boyfriend takes notes for me whenever I had to skip classes - I was a senior college student - and babysit my nephew.It was a pleasurable dream indeed. x3

Onee-san had always wanted a child,and I don't mind as long as it's legal.A nephew or niece sounds great to me.But I have to say,I'm as opposed as she is in terms of brother-in-law/husband.
And mind you,Nee-san,that MY OPINION DO COUNT IN YOUR "SCHEME" to get Amir Ibrahim as your bro-in-law.I've said it before and I'll say it again,I REFUSE. *deadpan*
God,she even had KC and MOM in this.I can't believe KC agreed! It's so utterly ridiculous!
*insert jazz hands*


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