
So,ignoring a few(lots) unhealthy amount of shipping and reading fanfics,my routines have straightened out pretty well.I've started to sleep late rather than the usual 11-12 and wake up late too.Sometimes early,sometimes later.And coffee every night is a must.Gotta make up for a lot of nights spent without it.^^
Dad loves my coffee and I love them myself.Tho I think it's not purely 100% coffee.I mixed it up with Milo so I guess it makes them Neslo? I didn't think they're sweet,Dad thinks they're sweet eventho I just put half of teaspoon of milk.Meh.who cares? they still taste just as good. xD
I haven't started taking the car license yet.Mom said I should take it on January,so I will.A month or two after that,then I'll get to go see my wife and daughter.I'm staying home until then,savoring my freedom.Maybe I get bored one or two time but there's always the books to cheer me up.And more to come when we-Onee-san and I-get back from the book festival.
The rain stopped pouring two days ago and the weather seems great,like,damp and soothing.
I re-watched Gosick and SAO like I'd wanted and am very satisfied.I love that Kirito gets to date Asuna in earnest and they live a happy-ever-after with their virtual daughter,Yui and that Kazuya marries Victorique in the end.The title of the final episode really does tells the ending,'Looking at Infinity Over the Reaper's Shoulder',which really means that she was looking at their happy-ever-after in his arms.Duh.
It was cute nonetheless. xP
I wanna watch Free! and No.6.I think I saw a DVD of that in a store somewhere.Gotta check it out.I wonder if Victorique will change her name after she married Kazuya.It'll be Kujo Victorique,right? Instead of Victorique De Blois because Kujo is Kazuya's family name.I wonder what happened to Luigi.LOL.Jacqueline definitely had it going with Grevil(I hate that stupid name.It sounds like EVIL.)
Recently,Onee-san got me started on Teen Wolf shipping,like she does me on great others.The pairing is Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski and I have to say,it's chemistry.These pairing we see,it's all....chemistry.Like Chris and Darren.Or Tony and Steve.They're just so cute and perfect for each other.LOL xDD


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